Hardcore Enhancement Shaman looking for serious guild on PVP realm

Hello. I’m looking for a serious raiding guild for Classic. I would prefer to be on a high population realm so that when people lose interest in classic, the realm still has some life to it. I am dead set on playing enhancement shaman, with alchemy as a profession to help out the guild there.

I raided with Blood Legion in Vanilla and BC, I’ve been playing wow since beta. Ideal raid times for me are weeknights, not saturday and sunday I reserve those days to hang with the wife.

I am a disabled veteran so I don’t have work, school and no kids to distract me. 36 years old and can raid up to 5 nights a week if needed and put in 16+ hours a day. I will be in the first wave of max level characters on the server without a doubt, and will be spamming dungeons and professions constantly all day to be more than raid ready. I am willing to spend my time gearing and leveling guildies as needed. Gaming more than a hobby for me, it’s therapy and Vanilla was my best gaming experience of my life. I plan to go all in for this.

Looking for a mostly adult guild that takes raiding and content seriously, has a fair loot system, does endgame PVP at least as a side hobby, and has a lot of fun doing it. I need a guild that will take me seriously and give me a main slot on the roster, I’m not looking to be an alternate with the amount of time I can put in. I can raid anytime monday-friday for as many hours as raid goes but I prefer evenings. Eastern time is fine even though I am west coast.

If you are looking for a dedicated player with classic experience in end game raiding and pvp and nearly unlimited time to play, please post your guild and contact information so I can touch basis with you and see if the guild will be a good fit for me. I want a guild that isn’t going to fall apart 9 months in, so please be committed and experienced, as I will show that same level of commitment to the guild.

I am really looking forward to meeting a new group of friends and having that community feeling back. Post back so I can find a home! Get this salty vet working hard somewhere!

          [H] <Eternal> Thalnos

Guild Type: both raid and PvP oriented . Will have pre made battleground groups, and scheduled world PvP events.

Raid Times: We will be aiming to schedule raids starting between 6pm and 9pm EST, weekends. This will be dependent on guild members.

Event Times: Maybe on weekend afternoons, lets see what you guys think.

Classes Needed: All roles needed, we have a raid main-tank.

We are a motivated new guild, seeking players of all skill levels. Our goal is to create a fun, helpful community with strong ambitions. The core group of this guild have been gaming together for a few years now. Some of us played in 2005 and quit early WoTLK. All in all we are a very chill group, I’m sure we are the right fit .

Discord: Add GrapeApe#1703 or type this channel
_https://discord.gg/DXdPJd (remove underscore)


It sounds great but I need something with weeknight raiding. Weekends I spend with my wife, I can raid monday-friday evenings as late as I want, anything from about 6 eastern until whenever, I can be up all night if needed and likely will be.

Thank you for the post, still looking for something that has a weeknight raid schedule up to 5 days a week if needed. Can play 10-16 hours a day daily and depending on the weekend some weekends, but not reliably enough to have raid days on weekends.

rly hope u consider us

also ty for your service

I wish I could but I can’t reliably make the Saturday raiding. Most weekends I just hang out at home because I don’t get out or around so well with my disability, but I do keep the weekends open in case the wife wants to spend time together or watch a show. She works in medical and I hardly see her all week, which is why I can play 24 hours a day monday-friday if I want. Not that I won’t be able to play most weekends, but it’s hard to commit to weekend raid times knowing I may not make it. I am going to take any guild I join very seriously with 100% attendance, limitless raid and dungeon times during the week, and lots of spare time to help out guildmates leveling and gearing.

If you end up having weekday raid times due to any changes, I would gladly consider you. You seem polite and I would love to meet a group of new friends.

Thank you for recognizing my service. It was my honor to serve my country, I don’t care what it cost me I am damn proud of my time in service. You are very welcome my friend.