Hardcore Character Death Due to DDoS/Server Issues

Okay so are you saying that the records that imply DDOS attacks are a delusion? Are you saying that you are the packet bender around here and if you get a personal DDOS attack that your internet is unbreakable? Is that what you are saying?

I CANNOT believe the responses I’m getting in here. With this kinda of OH ITS DESERVED, responses, really shows something here. God do i love how the effects of narcissism are really really identifiable roots and motives.

You are all missing the point, without your bias, a normal response to something like this would be justice. But instead, what ever picture you guys have painted about me has been influenced. Which is the root of the problem and going to make people in very big trouble if they don’'t stop.

I was playing the game minding my own business but for w/e reasons this is deserved?? Like if you guys didn’t realize that psychologists have been following and noting YOUR BEHAVIOUR and thats why DEI programs are being rolled out and people are acting like UNCIVILIAZED MONKIES.

Let’s assume you actually were targetted by streamers, which is questionable, but if so what exactly did you do to get their ire? This would be a huge amount of effort, and its not like people don’t trash streamers all the time, so if you did something it would have to be pretty bad, so what skeletons are in the closet?

Greetings, esteemed Blizzard overlords,

I am writing this with a tear in my glowing, undead eye socket. I also have endured the most tragic, completely unfair death in the history of Azeroth. My beloved undead mage, whose name shall remain forever enshrined in the Hardcore Hall of Pain, met his untimely end while heroically attempting the timeless trek from the Wetlands to the Badlands. But alas, this was no ordinary death. No, this was a calculated assassination orchestrated by fate itself.

Picture this: I’m trotting along at a brisk, undead pace, my bony skeletal warhorse feet clacking against the dirt, when out of nowhere, literally out of nowhere, an Alliance NPC with a vendetta and a sniper rifle for vision flags me. Yes, my PvP flag popped without so much as a courtesy duel invitation. How? I don’t know. This was blizzards fault and the pixels aligned to hate me specifically. Either way, it was a betrayal of game mechanics.

And then, from the shadows of my disbelief, emerges the villain of this tale: an exceedingly ugly level 60 dwarf rogue named “Halong”. Not content to simply emote /laugh at my plight, this pint-sized menace uses every cooldown in his playbook, for a mage who wasn’t even aware he was on the hit list.

Let me remind you, kind developers, I was level 42. He was level 60. That’s 18 levels of overkill. I might as well have been a critter with a nameplate.

So here I am, reduced to dust by a rogue who probably thinks ketchup is spicy, wipes Cheeto dust on his sofa and wears the neckbeard of a spartan warrior in his mothers basement. And yet, here on the forums, I see another player crying because lag allegedly killed his character. Lag that he claims was blizzards injustice yet no other player suffered the same defeat he did! Imagine dying to the internet and asking for sympathy. Do you think my PvP flag was lag? I do. Was Halong’s burning hatred of skeleton mages a lag spike? Maybe not. But, what I do know is that it was targeted injustice. It was a calculated exploit of Hardcore game mechanics. Like a snake in the grass waiting patiently, multiple hours a day, to strike unsuspecting, low level characters.

Blizzard, Where’s the love for those of us who get ganked by the real villains, game design and rogue players with small dwarf energy? I ask…nay, I demand, that my mage be resurrected, for this was a war crime against not only me but against the very fabric of fairness in Hardcore gameplay. You may make it clear characters will not be resurrected under any circumstance, but this circumstance is exceptional and deserves to be investigated.

If this request is denied, I will take solace in the fact that my undead mage died as he lived: misunderstood, crispy, and forever haunted by hot dwarven Cheeto breath.


                                *** WANTED ***

500 gold, fresh off the press, for the in-game assassination of Halong.
Video / Picture evidence of the assassination is required before payment.


Your response instantly made my day better, and strictly based on what you wrote. You probably have not the slightest idea why.

It literally doesnt matter. Death is final because as soon as you open the doors for an exception, all of a sudden you need to strictly define which situations are or are not deserving of a resurrection. Then you have to deal with all the people like yourself trying to prove that the DC was genuine. However, that won’t be enough for the forums. You will then see people demanding more exceptions to the death is final rule. Personally, I wouldnt want to bother with all that and dont blame blizz.

You could probably be level 20 again by now if you spent this time leveling instead of complaining about your death. Just go again and next time log out if you’re getting lag.


I understand you are frustrated. I will try to be non snarky for ya. Unless it is a massive, game wide attack, that causes a massive disruption, then they may do a rollback. And that would require an immense amount of disruption.

There is a flaw in external factors. But, the problem is that the sheer effort it would be required to investigate every single DC death claim would be massive. And at the end of the day, it would result in most cases of DC death, being due to an issue with the person’s internet provider.

And based on your description of your event, it could have realistically been either. And the greater possibility, since we are not seeing a wave of people claiming death to Blizzard server side issues or a DDoS attack, is that it was an issue with your internet.

Additionally, in the case of investigation, at best you could hope for blizzard to do a quick server check, see that things are largely normal, and determine that it was on your end. But, they cannot investigate outside internet providers to ascertain if there was a service interruption, or a potential equipment issue. So, if Blizzard sees even 5 or 10 people DC and die in a cluster, they most likely wont see that as an issue on their end, if everyone else is fine.

So the reason why they are not going to investigate or revert or examine this policy further, is because its not realistically possible for them to investigate every single DC death claim and determine the cause. Partly because it would be difficult on their end, and otherwise it would be EXTREMELY difficult on them to investigate different internet providers to check for a service issue.

Again. This OR, a minor service speed interruption with your internet provider, causing your internet speed to plummet, or even drop off. Or your Modem could inexplicably power cycle or disconnect WiFi and restart. You are making the reach that it is on Blizzards end, but you have no real means of proving it.

And Blizzard certainly is not going to spend the financial and personnel resources to investigate the many many DC death claims. At the end of the day, the juice is not worth the squeeze there. Its easier, and ultimately better for them to just have people Go Again.

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I say this in the kindest and most gentle of ways. OP, you crazy!

I seriously doubt you are a victim of DDoS. The way you say you can highlight the packets and timestamps. If you were truly being DDoS’d you would have hundreds of thousands of intrusions. You would be flooded with garbage requests.

Sometimes it’s just a connection issue. Most likely your connection to your ISP needs attention. If you are on a cable modem there are too many reasons to mention that could cause high latency or disconnects. Call your ISP. Blizzard has nothing to do with your problem. You don’t blame the car manufacturer for a flat tire.


All you can do is just go again. It’s how it has to be, or people will abuse it by any means necessary. I can help you start again, if you want. I’ll be around all day tomorrow.

While Blizzard’s policy is clear, I do think they should make exceptions for network issues. While I haven’t died that way yet, it definitely doesn’t feel like it’s in the spirit of the Hardcore Challenge.

Making exceptions for the one thing blizzard wouldn’t be able to verify and has no control over?

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It’s a game, we’re here to have fun not set legal precedent.

Besides it could just be part of the character. Have a ‘Net Deaths’ tab for each character that records the time, date and ping of every death reported as a ‘net death.’ If someone’s truly cheating everyone will know and the public shame will take care of the issue.

That’s not very hardcore. What’s even the point of that? Just go play on the normal server if you want to die.

I’d love to see you try to bring this to court, but hopefully you have the awareness that making legal arguments about them owing you ANYTHING for a HC chars death is foolish. Blizz games have had HC mode for over 20 years and their policy has never once changed and never will. You accept all risks. Lag, kicking a cable, government coup, assassination attempts… doesn’t matter. If you can’t accept the chances you might due to no fault of your own, don’t play HC. Period. End of story.

There’s a reason why most of us stay away from HC.

It’s also not very hardcore to die to an ISP outtage.

Personally I think something like a Net Deaths tab would be fun. And if you’re really set on being penal about it then you could add some kind of three strikes rule or something.

But I think it would be kinda cool to see someone who persevered through a bad network to complete a Hardcore character and have record of those events.

Death for whatever reason is permanent. That is by definition of hardcore. Life isnt fair and neither is HC. Wear a helmet.

Unless you have a solution that isnt 1) Completely stupid like most have been in this thread or 2) wont be exploited then just go again.

If dying isn’t fun because your network dropped, then dying probably isn’t fun for a plethora of other reasons and you really shouldn’t be playing hardcore.

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If you ghost though which tends to happen in such a disconnect it would have no way to know you are disconnected. I’ve seen people hard dc cause of power outtage during raid and they sometimes did not disconnect until the person got back to log in again.

Last time I played hardcore I died due to instaspawns of an elite pack. Not fun way to go, but it happens when your on a large server.

Some streamer lost his character in Diablo 4, Season 1, due to a bug with how the invulnerability at the end of a nightmare is applied. At like level 99.

It was gone. The rule is the rule is the rule. End of discussion. The entire concept of hardcore is you, the player, accept the risk of permanent death, with no recourse, for any reason at all.

OP played, and lost. That’s tough, but the rules are the rules because if there is ANY way a player can abuse the system, they absolutely will.

Did OP forget to take his meds?

I don’t have the best internet and I’m 100% positive a disconnect is going to end up killing my priest. It’s literally just a matter of time.

The fact there’s no D/C death prevention system in place is hilariously sad for a company of this size.

When Hardcore was just a free community based addon, those people could revive D/C or Griefer deaths… but a multi-billion dollar company? Sorry there’s nothing they can do.

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