
Eye of the Gnome

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Children of the Gnome

the good, the bad, the gnome.

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Gnome way Home.

But my nephew was one of the child extras in the children of the corn… I even watched them film it for a little bit.


Ever watch the bloopers and stuff for Wizard of Oz? I found out some HORRIFYING stuff… like the scene with the yellow brick road and munckins there’ a legit hanging corpse in the forest where a crew member hung themselves, Scarecrow has a poorly edited out gun in one scene, etc.

I heard the suicide was an urban legend.

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Yea, they had to be on some good stuff makeing that film OZ… The part I saw film in children was when Isaac hanging on that cross and that demon or whatever was getting him… I think they took that scene at least 25 times before they got it right… All the children were keeping on laughing.

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RP server. It’s all the same phase unless they’re doing RP out in the TWW zones.

Easy ways around this create a alt.

Even bnet ignores do not work atm i wish they did but sadly its busted/bugged and has no effect.

Also they can get friends to do it as well as opening a new account which people do actually do to harass.

Also even blocked they can sit there interupting the RP Scene by spamming toys/mounts etc.

Sadly /ignore only works per toon and till they fix the bnet block ya GG.

There also fact they can do a race change and keep the name and bypass ignore as it removes you. tested this myself with a friend and some people wait till there 80-90% off and buy dozens cheap to use to bypass the ignore system not sure how long will take to fix.

Some people will go to great lengths to harass trust me…

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They must have someone on the inside, keeping tabs on them via the friends list.

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Can confirm, had said person’s Bnet on ignore, next thing I know they’re whispering me telling me who they were and telling me they thought they’d never see me again. Had to put them on character ignore too.

I see this problem mostly ending once Blizzard gets player housing in. How can someone harass you if they can’t get into your house?

Follows you around randomly throwing water balloons at you.

Better hope their not a Mage Mechagnome. Then you would have 6 or 7 of the exact same one staring at you.

Awww… she likes me. Silly silly goat, I’m engaged.

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From one roleplayer to another, your best option is to simply ignore him and pretend as if he doesn’t exist. Roleplay in whispers so he doesn’t get any sort of entertainment by watching you. Bore them to absolute tears. Don’t engage, don’t even look at them. If needed, race change and change your name, but that should only be done as a last option. Eventually they /will/ get bored and realize you have nothing to offer them. They typically find any sort of engagement, even the smallest look or OOC mocking as funny or exhilarating. Be as stubborn as a mule.

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Don’t know how I missed this reply but I love it. Honestly these are great goals but that nice family would be the lasting part. :stuck_out_tongue:

This is why I’m content with my middle-class reality and mediocre capabilities in WoW.

Because my family will make me feel better about it when I complain lol.

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Damn, when I complain to my dad about my bad WOW experiences he tells me it’s a “skill issue” and laughs. :melting_face:


I’ve had my 9 year old tell me it was a skill issue.

Then I sat her down and asked her what she would do on ?? Zekvir with my SPriest. She had played her own priest (has her own account) enough to find my PW:Shield and Fort. Beyond that she was like “Why do you have letters instead of numbers on your bar?”

Gotta teach this gal to git gud right nao.

(btw, not talking any kind of account sharing here, I sat above my keyboard and in my chair asking her what buttons she would use as I did the fight myself, for the forum police)


You can have 1 minor child use your account per the ToS, you’re safe either way


Good to know but I think your depth of knowledge on that would justify my reasoning for at least clarifying.

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