Happy New Year!

Yeah lol, our dog Yuki barks at the fireworks and we take heart in knowing that my wife and I are here to comfort her. NZ whitewine and house of dragons is way more fun with the fur child than premium tickets to see fireworks lol

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Are you the person with 7 cats? Godspeed!

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They all had a lovely new Years, safe in my room, and in my sister’s room. We gave them their fave food!

Happy new beer! Hic!!!


Happy New Year


i predict this new year will be as terrible as the last two weeks. yes i am very very crabby. my credit card got put on hold and i can’t call the bank to find out why. naturally i suspect the worst.


Nooo! I’m so sorry.

What does it mean if you’re credit is put on hold? Is that a credit card? I hope it all resolves fast.

The last two years have been… arghhhh! I am tightening my belt like never before to try to keep my Family above water. THIS is my new years Resolution!

Good luck, Bread. :bouquet:


Aw, hon… I’m so sorry. That stuff is frustrating and stressful. I hope it works out. :slightly_frowning_face:

And I hope our new year doesn’t suck as much. But I totally understand the sentiment.


well it said it was on hold only once but then second time the payment went through so idk whats going on.

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Sounds like a problem with the system you were buying through and not your card.

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it was through steam.

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Maybe Steam is all bogged down? Not sure. But I hope it’s all okay.

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5 minutes away

:milky_way: :mirror_ball: :milky_way: :mirror_ball:

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Take care everyone and have a fun New Years.

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Happy new year. Be safe.

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Happy new year :tada:

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Happy New Year!

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You too op .
Cheers everyone :clinking_glasses:

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NO! no cfheers! cheers are forbidden!

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Too late I just drank the cheers and in 30minutes I’ll be asleep.ZZZzzz…