Happy Canada day from the Westfall of Canada…Saskatchewan!
Eyyyy! I’m in Halifax
I wonder how many degrees we are off of knowing each other?
Happy Canada Day from Montreal, Quebec. All the best, folks!
Thank you Canada for Michael J. Fox, Leslie Neilson and Kids In The Hall.
I’ve sadly only flown over a part of Canada on my way to Alaska.
My old guild had a few Canadians and one was the nicest person I’ve met and another was the most angry person I think I’ve ever met. Oddly I got along with both just fine.
Thank you Canada for Canadian bacon. Yummy.
Its not ours, but uh, you’re welcome I guess.
Yes it is Canada’s bacon because no one else claims ownership!
Except the rest of the world calls it “back bacon”. You guys for some reason think it was invented here and call it “Canadian Bacon” for some inexplicable reason. If you go north of the border and order “bacon” you’re going to get the exact same streaky bacon you get in the States.
They might mean the brilliant John Candy movie?
Canadian bacon is very awesome which is why it is also known as canadian ham in the states!
Happy Canada day, now gib us more oil.
Believe me, Alberta would love nothing more right now than to sell you more oil.
Thanks eh! Oh and sorry about Justin Bieber. I’m sure it will pass.
Dan Aykroyd is enough to cancel out Bieber for me. He might have gone crazy with his Crystal Skull Vodka but at least he gave us Ghostbusters!
But the Dominion is all about peace and prosperity!
They don’t even play baseball.
They’d lose to the Vulcans anyway.
I want poutine…