Happy Canada Day!

wow this got flagged? say what?


Happy Mountie day! Break out the Canadian bacon and maple syrup.


Thank you Canada for Michael J. Fox, The Kids In The Hall, and Leslie Nielsen.

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What does this thread have to do with WoW?

Reported for off-topic.

Oh idk, not like anyone that plays wow plays in Canada…


Can go in general chat.

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That doesn’t make any sense.

So because I live in my own house I can talk about the dust under my fridge on GD?


Well, the mods restored the post…

Sooo… looks like the mods don’t mind about the OP’s post.

That sounds like a Sunday post.

So you’d approve of that sort of thread, huh?

Also let’s not pretend the mods are paragons of upholding their own rules when certain posters get away with spamming gay threads nonstop.

I don’t see how a National Holiday is equivalent to the dust under your fridge.

I would support that. We have a dust bunny pet.

And a lot of those threads were shut down and notice they are gone for the most part. I haven’t seen one in a solid week.

Infact one of the ts hasnt been on for 2 weeks since we called him out for posting on an alt and the thread got removed.

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So you’re happy to discuss non-wow related content on GD. Interesting /s

And the other is literally in this thread when they should be perma banned.

Maybe the dust came from the back of a bald eagle, if American, or a beaver, if Canadian, so its patriotic? Maybe?


Patriotism would involve tolerance and acceptance of others National holidays, Nationalism is the exclusion of all others except for THEIR national holidays. Kind of what I was referencing earlier.

I said 1, the other one is still around.

Although they were gone for a few days and thier last thread got deleted.

And yeah literally people post in here all the time about stuff.

You haven’t been on the forums long, have you?

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Is it wrong that I base my excitement for a holiday off of whether I get the day off from work or not?


Na lot of people do that.

No, but if you were to tell someone they can’t have a holiday for any number of reasons related to their identity, or “relevance,” while in game holidays are celebrated, it would be pretty controversial.

I’m a firm believer in do what makes you happy, just leave me a slice of pie.

Edit: I should qualify that by adding within the limits of local ordinances and laws.

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Tomorrow if i remember im making a dust bunny thread. :rabbit: