Handling infinity stars in 2s

I am a pretty undergeared monk trying to play some 2s and I was wondering how I survive and outheal a comp where each of them have infinity stars the damage is just so strong. Any help would be appreciated

git gud or git gear

that’s really the only solution outside of your partner peeling you, dispelling the debuff at 2 stacks and saving trinket/teleport for when it’s necessary

Agree with the dispel thing if on a healer. Its the only real thing you can do against it to minimize damage.

I still haven’t been able to figure out if it’s better to dispell infinite stars and sit a maly, or eat the stars and delay/dispell the maly. Ive basically been spam dispelling infinite stars whenever I see it, but I’ve been got a few times doing that

Lol this is the biggest problem with stars, for me. It’s not even the damage that is the issue, it’s dispelling the stacks. They are efffectively malediction protection.

Echoing void is the same thing; it’s purge protection. Nothing worse than when you’re trying to get bop or combustion and you just keep purging echoing void stacks that instantly refresh themselves.

Just dispel it 4head

i don’t get this lol you guys act like mal isn’t a 2min cd that’s mostly used at the same time

Natural Selection
structured PvP

Tbh, I regularly wait until the healer dispels one of my partner’s infinite stars debuff before throwing my Claw trinket up on someone and watch it last the entire duration for 110k damage. It’s pretty neat and guaranteed every game at least once.

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True but dispelling too soon or not soon enough can cost you the game, So guess most healers are either feeling like they are constantly dispelling and trying to heal,

I havent really felt pressured by infinite stars in 2s on my mw so i cant really say what you should be doing different i guess just make sure you get that debuff off everyone as much as possible if you havent been cause its 25% more dmg per stack

lmfao this thread

yeah i mean that’s the strat but these guys are like oh no i can’t dispel ANYHTING cus they got mal on the team !!!

that’s a git gud situation there it feels like

ya if you loose ur just bad stop crying and play classic

somebody wants a Costco bLIZZARD

“jUsT dIsPeLl” So YoU cAn EaT tHaT mAl YoU nUb

-Everyone knows its dispelable. Dispel isn’t free and has a CD. Now everyone got to run their Aff Lock/Boomy builds vs every comp?