Hallowfall Fishing Derby: An hour of my life I won't get back

Royal Ripple pools appear in both Hallowfall and Azj Kahet. They share spawn points with the other pools. There were zero Royal Ripples in Azj Kahet where I was searching for them during my hour buff. This is because people fished the Royal Ripple spawns but ignored the Calm Surfacing Ripple pools in their search.

I went to my favorite spot in the zone and circled four pool spawns, fished out all four of the Calm Surfacing Ripples et voila a Royal Ripple appeared.

This is just like having an entire area in DF full of Hochenblume when you’re trying to get Writhebark to spawn. Everyone farmed out all of the Writhebark until nothing was left but Hochenblume, and so you had to pick some Hochenblume to get the Writhebark back. Shared spawn points have been a thing in this game since Vanilla, so it’s not a new concept or some kind of trick they pulled for the derby.

It’s very early in the expansion. A lot of people who aren’t fishing enthusiasts haven’t even maxed fishing skill, yet, or learned how to obtain the rare fish. Honestly, it’s a bit early to have this much angst over the biggest event for the launch patch of TWW fishing. It’s supposed to be a tight timeline. It’s supposed to be a challenge. We all get to try again next Saturday.


I can say I don’t like the timer and the fact that the buff is glitchy and will remove itself if you get dc’ed or have to log out. Seems pointless. As for those struggling with the Queen’s Lurefish, some friendly advice from someone who learned only after I failed: Buy some Regal Dottyback from AH and throw them into the river west of Mereldar and you will have your queen fish in a few cast provided you have enough fishing skill to do so. I was at 300 with a R5 green rod with Algari Weaverline. I don’t know what the threshold would be on the queen fish but it worked when I tried it. Save yourself the sanity of chasing Royal Ripples. Also, if you insist on getting your Dottybacks from Royal Ripples, remember they share a spawn with the calm ripples so if you only see those fish them and get some RRs to spawn. Royal Ripples can only be found in Hallowfall and Azj’kahet. Happy Fishing!

Yup Garbage! Two weeks in a row… fail. No more.

I just got mine done.

  • Set up my fish buffs and food on my bars
  • Looked up where to get the fish
  • Fished to clear pools so Royal Ripples could spawn (threw my buff fish and got it on the first try)
  • Went back to looking for blood pools for my hammer fish. That one took me longest but it was just RNG

We get 1 mark for each unique fish type we catch too so it is worth fishing all the pools and helping the respawn rate of the rare pools.

I didn’t even know there was a fishing derby, I think I’ll give a try.

I didn’t see a single royal ripple pool this week during my entire derby hour (split my time between scouting and cleaning out “junk” pools).

However, with time running out, I just “gave up”, started fishing in open water and … caught a queen’s lurefish!

So, all’s well that ends well I guess :slight_smile:

(also got Kah … so actually, a little hyped)


Another week, another 45 marks. The road to the seekerthreads is long and arduous

Idk I finished the quest in 20 minutes at 85 fishing today. I’ve caught an arathor hammerfish basically every time I fish from a blood in the water.

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yeah, they are pretty rare normally but you don’t need that pool to catch that fish or you didn’t in prior weeks. I caught that fish first week for the achievement when my skill was still under 200.

They changed things for the worse.

That is an aweful lot of things that you had to do to make this, what is supposed to be a low key fun event on a saturday of going fishing, actually doable.

If this was intended to be some sort of challenge mode, get it off my map then. I see a quest, I want to do the quest. Not that removing it will help at all, since they tied a bunch of cosmetic rewards against it too.

Bunch of rewards, and a quest you can fail at. Does not equal fun.

This “event” that only happens on a saturday should be exactly as it sounds. A leisurely event that a player can take up and go fishing. Spend a litlte time on a saturday going out and enjoying a little of the open area. Not… this competitive fishing. I shouldn’t have to spend the next 2 years ensuring that I don’t miss this event just so I can potentially afford to get the rewards that they tied to it. And, I shouldn’t also have to “grind” it out using an alt army to make it less than that time.


I did not say it was not doable any other way. I said that is what I did. Last week I was fishing 150 and did nothing except fish in the Hallowfall pools to get the fish I needed. No bait no buffs, no nothing.

This week I tried a bit harder but I LOVE fishing and have 20 years of fishing stuff to wear and use :slight_smile: I like having an excuse to break out that stuff in my bank.

The quest is absolute hot garbage and anyone who thinks otherwise is delusional. I’ve found the three fish every week and every week it’s more miserable than the last now that more people are doing it.


The biggest issue is competing with other players for pools. A lot of the “very smart people” here say to throw fish into the pools, but often there will be 5 players swoop down as soon as there is a bloody pool. They need to make this quest repeatable or give players their own pools.


If anyone is curious, the wording on the mount achievement is misleading. You don’t have to catch all the fish in the same 60 min period; the tracker for each fish stays complete.

I was only missing the coelacanth last week, I went straight for it this week and the achievement completed. I ended up catching all the other fish anyways for the marks, though I was a little unprepared without a tracker for them all.


OH! Well that is exciting. I assumed it had to be done all in the same hour and did not even check it.

Yay! Just checked and I need two. Excellent.

Yeah i had trouble with the Queen’s Lurefish. Only saw one ripple pool. I checked wowhead and realized I had to use the regal to get buff. I went to the calm pool and got it with the buff.

So this is what i do. I fish up all the fish that give bonus’ ahead of the derby to last me the entire duration and the fish i need to toss in the water to lure out another fish. I managed to catch every fish on the list within 30 mins this week since i planned ahead. i got the mount last week with a little bit of a hiccup and barely made it. I recommend planning your route and learning the spawn locations and which fish do what. Like others have said, some pools share spawns with others as well so you might need to fish in some spots to try and get the other pools to spawn.

Failed. Even if you find blood in the water (which I did 5 or 6 times) the chance to pull the hammerfish is way too low.

I worked on this for four hours today. I trained tww fishing right before i started, so i was starting at fishing lvl 1. On my first calm rippling pool, i got the trophy minnow. At my first blood in the water pool, i got the trophy arathi hammerfish. I caught these within 5mins and spent the next 55mins trying to find royal ripples and fishing out other ripples in a circuit hoping to spawn in some royal ripples. No dice.

I then read online about using bait in the ripples. Since then, I have done the entire hour 3 more times and have not caught a SINGLE trophy fish. I really hate this quest and am probably just going to ignore the fishing derby for the rest of this xpac, just seems like such a big waste of time.

You can’t do it again. It will give you the quest but you don’t get the buff which allows catching trophy fish. If you fail you are done.

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