i was Juggnuttz the troll Shaman back in vanilla. I didnt raid so im not recognizing too many names, some guild names for sure tho.
I am rolling on Whitemane with a few friends, Horde of course!
i was Juggnuttz the troll Shaman back in vanilla. I didnt raid so im not recognizing too many names, some guild names for sure tho.
I am rolling on Whitemane with a few friends, Horde of course!
Hello there. I was in KnD aswell. One of the founders. I played Milenko (Zangesta, Sheep) Alot of us are playing on Herod. But havnt heard anything from Syrena nor Rostam. If You like to join us just give me a message. Fna#1657
Hey Hoof, its Milenko. Most of the KnD guys on make a guild on Herod. I think Toker said Grads was going to talk to you about it. add me Fna#1657 if you like tlak about it.
Milenko (Rogue)
Sheep (Shaman)
Was rummaging through some ancient screenshots and found these from the old Orgrimmar days. Some of it’s still pretty funny. The bit at the end with Wisferr is classic. Lot of old horde names here that I miss.
I still remember watching your PvP vid, lots of good music in that lol
Sinphul - undead rogue / Silidyan - undead warlock.
Necromonger is also still active but idk if he is aware of this thread.
cassanova - swooooon
oh man theghey, totally forgot about you guys in KnD, l was with you guys for a while…honestly forget the name i had at the time
i was in KnD , miss yall…cant remember my name when i was with you guys…trying to dig up some screen shots.
I was Underoath in KnD, looking at our old onyxia screenshots now!!
Battle ID ohhello1489
Bloodrazr - undead mage
guilds: infuriate, rumination, iPvP
Trying to find:
Shaul: warrior
Kcazz: warrior
Horiyoshi: warlock
Some priest whos names starts with K
Guitar: shaman
Cloudo: some priest who was hilarious
Also I remember cassanova as the first HWL I dueled and got me in to PvP for the next 3 years. HMU if you’re out there.
Helios was a warrior right? I feel like I dueled him and said if he beat me I would join his guild, he didn’t, but I joined anyway and we did AQ20 for a bit
lolpolyd was a super chill dude, he was the mage class leader of my guild, the rest of the lol’s ehhhh. But I have to thank lolearthshock for giving me my first piece of FR gear for MC, and inzilbe(i)th you were my dawg
Shiiid iono…maybe underoath
Oh man Underoath I remember you!
I was a troll Shaman name Jaingo. Phobia was my first guild followed by Infuriate when all them peepz transferred over from another server in BC. I still have Axorcist in my phone as well… Axorcist haha.
I’m pretty sure I have some screenshots of us all somewhere.
Whats up Aenima
The name sounds super familiar but I feel like the spelling was different back in the day.
I’m not sure Lucrena is the same Xeyu. I actually still keep in contact with the vanilla Xeyu, he was a polish bro living in GA. His brother was one of our warriors back in Phobia, think he went by burd back then then Peja come BC.
I was Jaingo the troll shaman who somehow got voted to class leader (horrible idea).
It didn’t help that one of our raid leaders went ape-crap and deleted our entire forum. That pretty much sealed the deal for Phobia.