[H/A] [Zul'jin-US] <Four Dads One Pizza> Tues/Thurs 9:30pm-12:30am EST AOTC/Mythic 8/8H 4/8M

Four Dads One Pizza is recruiting mythic ready players for remaining of season 1 to push for 6/8 and start season 2 strong. Tues/Thurs 9:30-12:30am EST.

We were a newer guild that formed during The War Within and have thrived building a stable fun roster of players who want to raid, kill bosses, eat pizza, and have fun. The environment is unlike most raiding atmospheres and you will have a good time as long as you bring your hands and heart to play your class and spec well. We love pizza, Psyops and Dads.

While this is a laid back raid environment, we do expect self-accountability for mechanics and DPS. The idea is to have a good time while playing and the social aspect is top-notch offering a fun pizza-rich environment. Applicants will be expected, as you would in any other guild, to show up on time with proper enchants gems, and main ilvl for current content. You should have a good understanding of how to play your class with the want to always strive for better DPS/Heals. We are here to help in anyway we can and offer suggestions and constructive criticism with the goal to help you improve, not put you down. Pots/Flasks/Food will usually be provided, but it is always a good idea to bring your own and show some self-sufficiency.

This is not a cut-throat environment, but we ultimately are striving to clear content and need everyone on the same page and focused up to achieve that when progging on bosses.

If this sounds like a time and raid environment, that works for you and any friends you may have, please reach out to GM Unholyftw #Bigmacz1971 with any questions and to talk about recruitment.

Class Needs: Need DPS, to round out season 2 roster. Healers are low priority and having a flex DPS spec will help.

Holy Paly with Flex DPS Pref - Medium
Evoker - Medium
Druid - Medium

Ranged DPS:
Shadow Priest- Very High
Boomkin - Omega High
Mage - Very High
Hunter - High
Aug/Dev Evoker - Omega High
Ele Shaman - Omega High

Melee DPS:
WW Monk - Omega High
DK - Very High
Ret Pally - High
Rogue - Medium
(We are melee heavy, but I will consider your class always)

If class is not listed please still feel free to reach out and discuss.

Thank you for time and consideration!

If you like burnt pizza and killing things this is the place for you.

Bumpy need a few more players for 20 and mythic start! Heroic should be cleared by thursday this week.

What is your current need for warrior dps? I’m 610ilvl 8/8N & 4/8H. Definitely interested though!

We definitely need a few more players to round out the mythic roster and I want a good fury for extra melee, cleave, and rally. We have another fury interested to trial on Thursday and I would just bring you both and let you show what you guys got. Trying to fit some extra classes we are missing in and we definitely are low on plate wearers and melee.

ohhh boy, we sure need some players with heart to get these mythic bosses down

I sent an in game friend request to talk more.

Sorry I am just seeing this now, I did not receive a btag request was it typed correctly? Bigmacz#1971 you can also add me on discord which is just bigmacz

anyone got some pizza

Bump! We still need a tank so I can move one tank to dps and 2 solid heals, Druid and evoker pref. A rogue would be amazing as well and a solid warrior and DH dps!

Bumping. What Unholyftw said ^

Hey I have a prot warrior (for keys) that can DPS in raids. Currently 604 prot/602 arms/fury. I mainly played DK (which is my highest ilvl 614, 2200 io) in the beginning of the expansion with some friends. Would like to chat more to see if there’s a possible opening. Just looking to have fun playing the game while also downing bosses and your post seems to convey that.

Any tier on the warrior and what spec of dk? 602 is a bit low, but its more so how well you perform over gear. Add me on bnet to chat further Bigmacz#1971

Fellow dad here who enjoys pizza.

Bump! We are still recruiting to bolster ranks and get to a consistent 20 without the couple pugs we need weekly for mythic. 2/8 with ease and 3/8 on the way. Feel free to add me on bnet to discuss! Bigmacz#1971

Got a melee spot still open? I’ve been all M+ this season but there’s no more loot for me in M+ anymore other than weekly vault. I’m looking to get back into a raid group that’s good but not too serious.

I have a nasty 633 ret paladin:

  • 98.1 average parse in M+ season 1
  • 95.8 average parse in Heroic raid
  • Starfighter - Stormrage (check my logs)

I also have a 624 fury warrior alt that I stopped playing about a month and a half ago, I’d rather play the pally but I could still get the warrior producing at a high level pretty quickly. I’ll try to DM you this weekend.

Bump, Lets go Recruits. Line up for a Pizza Check. But seriously we need 3 or 4 jolly players to come enjoy my wacky raid calls. Get ready for a wild, but entertaining ride.

Great bunch of dudes with a burnt pizza thing. But seriously, one of the best raid environments out there.

Bump! Still looking for recruits for season 2 to hit the ground running pushing heroic and mythic content. We still currently raid season 1 content, so come trial and feel it out!