bumping up!
midnight bump! hoping to get some people for potential mythics.
Hey! I’m so sorry, I thought that was a Btag so I sent you one yesterday, but I will add you on Discord and we can talk more about it there
bump to the top
still looking for mages and dhs!
bumping up
still looking for the elusive mage! would also consider a rogue and of course any exceptional players.
midday bump
still looking! especially interested in resto druids, mages, and rogues!
midday bump!
late night bump! needs have switched to just a mage, a healer, and maybe a rogue
another midday bump
nighttime bump
looking for a disc priest (or maybe a resto druid) and a mage still! would be open to rogues, maybe a DK.
still searching far and wide
expanding search to include DKs! also looking for people who are just interested in m+
bumping up
afternoon bump
up to the top we gooo
almost midday bump