[H]&[A] <Synchronicity>Recruiting Older Players

Good afternoon/evening. Raids are Friday evenings and Sunday daytimish for alts/people that cannot make it on Friday. We are very casual though second day may change. Older aged people with real life being priority. So attendance is never mandatory. As far as your last quetion realms not longer matter.

I saw somewhere further up in the form that mentions you raid at 9 est on Friday. If that’s still true then that’s perfect for me! Do you guys have room for a fury war in your group? If so I’d like to come aboard :smiley:

It has changed just slightly to 8:30 est. I am not in game right now. If you would like to add me to discord I could set you up in our discord to see if you like what you see and grab somone to invite you. megs8288

Just a bump up to the top for anyone needing a home.

A quick bump up

Come and check us out if you are looking for a place to call home.