[H]&[A] <Synchronicity>Recruiting Older Players

Message me when you can please. Boom88#1448 is my bnet

I sent a friend request, from Sybilmeows

Hello, thank you for your interest! We’ve been fortunate lately to have enough healers, but in a guild full of busy adults that can change quickly. If you’re open to going DPS if needed, there is always a spot for you.

What are you raid times and days. what dps do you need.

Fridays at 8:30 EST. We may add a 2nd day in TWW, but only if folks want to. All dps are needed.

We are always looking for more like minded people to come a join. No longer maters what realm you are on or faction.

I am a returning player after being gone a long time, looking for some fun folks to relearn the game and have fun. I primarily play druid, shaman, have played all their roles over the years. btag is Kallidos #11720

Thank you for your interest I sent you a battlenet request.

Join us for TWW!!

Just over a week until we jump into TWW come and join us.

Come and join us!!

Few more days till we go into TWW. Come join us. Find a new place for your newly made panda renix characters!!

Less the 24 hours until TWW. Join us and start this new expansion together.

Awesome guild!

I joined near the end of DF and have been having a blast here. WA is a great server as well, if you’re looking for a fun place to experience TWW then I’d highly recommend joining us!

How many more open slots are there for raid?

Hello there we do not have a raid roster. If you are looking for a new guild you are very welcome to join our casual team. Thank you for reaching out.

Looking forward to raiding this week BUMP!

Returned to wow after a few years hiatus. Looking for older players that like to be social and enjoy the story telling from Blizzard.

You are more then welcome to join us!!!

Hii your guild sounds pretty interesting! Do you guys have any raid times set up yet, and do you take players from sargeras?