[H/A] <Severity> TWW - LF dps - 2 nights Sun/Mon 7:30 - 10pm AEST

Lfm axe weilders

Hello for Monday.

Happy Wednesday

Monday Monday Monday

Wednesday Wednesday

Good morning. Lfm

Hello, any healer in particular?

At this stage, we’re pretty flexible

Hello, I would like to discuss recruitment, I added you to bnet but haven’t seen you on for a few days ?

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Up! Happy long weekend

Hump day bump day.

Happy sunday :slight_smile:

is there any slot for being a restoration druid?

We’re definitely open to having room for a resto druid :slightly_smiling_face:

Rounding out the roster for 10.2, let’s chat

Bump for 10.2 release date announcement

Have a good week :slight_smile:

Lfm! Happy weekend

hey there, is there room for enhance shaman with resto off spec? thanks!

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Definitely! Hit me up and let’s chat