[H/A] <Severity> - LF rdps/healers for S2- 2 nights Sun/Mon 7:30 - 10pm AEST

Good afternoon - LFM S4 + TWW

Hey there,

I’ve just returned last season and currently using S4 to play around a bit and prep for TWW.

At the moment I’m gearing up a holy/ret paladin if that sounds good/useful :slight_smile:

Absolutely, shoot me a message on discord or bnet and we’ll have a chat.

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Shot you a message on discord :slight_smile:

LFM TWW. DPS + healers

LFM TWW! DPS (melee pref!) + Healers

Hi Bethany

I m a return player back to wow after about 2 years. I have completely missed Df exp due to work/rl commitments.

I am planning to play a monk + lock in tww on a casual basis to do some raids, m+ but more importantly just a good guild to replace with after work.

Can I get a trial with you guys for the new exp?


shoot me a message on discord and lets chat :slight_smile: - disc: Raiynne

LFM TWW - dps :slight_smile: <3


Praise cross relam guilds!

Good morning

LFM dps/Healers

LF healers <3

main post updated

Elemental shaman anniversary hype?

Any chance you’re looking for a 626 MW/BM Monk?

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Let’s have a chat, could be interested!

LFM legends <3

Good afternoon

Hello good morning