[H/A] <Pyreanor> AotC Chill LGBT T/Th 6 pst LFM

We got a tank.

Now we just need all the DPS. All of it.

If you are a DPS looking for a chill inclusive rage-free forever home to enjoy the rest of Shadowlands and beyond with, we’re it.

New and willing to learn? You’re welcome here.
Returning players? You’re welcome here.
Lady player sick of being treated like a piece of meat? We are place for you.
LGBT+ or BIPOC player tired of hearing guildmates slur? We’re the place for you.

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We’ve completely filled out our melee. All that’s left is ranged DPS and maybe ranged DPS who is also willing to heal.

We have a couple of open spots next tier.

  1. A mage.
  2. An enhancement shaman.
  3. A DPS who doesn’t mind being a back up healer.

Other DPS are encouraged to apply. The more the merrier.

Reach out via Discord:

Zandrae #1418

Currently urgently seeking:

  • Havoc Demon Hunter
  • Enhancement Shaman

Also looking for:

  • Ranged Hunter
  • Warlock

Zandrae#1418 on discord.

We are still seeking these. Get into one of the best guilds you’ll ever join.

We found a warrior.

We now urgently need…

  • A Havoc Demon Hunter.
  • An Enhancement Shaman (or two) for some wind-fussy for our melee DPS.

We will also consider a ranged hunter or maybe a warlock.

All we need now is one havoc demon hunty boi for darkness and buffing spellcasters.

Update on our recruiting needs for our inclusive guild:

One of our healers got a job that has him missing raids and another one had a baby and is in spotty attendance.

So we can really use a healer or two.
However we are full on hpals. .

Needs as of Aug 12 2022
Valid until a new post says otherwise:

  • 1-2 Healers no hpals.
  • 1 Havoc Demon Hunter
  • 1 Warlock or ranged Hunter

How our progression is going:

  • We are on track for the slime cat.
  • We decided to pound out last bosses on normal so we get full credit for the week on our limited raid time allotment.
  • We are doing as many heroic bosses as we can for lewts and upgrade tokens.
  • We’re 9/10H CN and 9/10H SoD, our groups have changed since SL started so we’re having to relearn the older fights. We will probably be 10/10h next round.


It’s that time again!

A new raid tier is upon us and we have a few open spots for guys, gals, and non-binary pals:

We’re looking for:
• Healers
• A DPS Demon Hunter

Other classes are also encouraged to reach out.

Add me to discord or battlenet (same tag for both)


Healer found. Just need a DPS DH.