(X-Faction) Mereldar Random/Walk-Up Roleplay

:small_orange_diamond::large_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond: Mereldar Random/Walk-Up Roleplay :small_orange_diamond::large_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond:

Bump this thread when random RP gatherings are happening in Mereldar! There’s no specific agenda or central storyline, this is just Wyrmrest Accord playing out the TWW storyline in real time via comings and goings through Mereldar. We also have a few who roleplay locals.

:scroll: Potential RP Hooks

  • Local Arathi characters such as Lightlighters/civilians/farmers/etc.
  • Any character assisting the Lamplighters/Arathi
  • Any character setting up trade routes or relations
  • Anyone just passing through Hallowfall on their way elsewhere
  • Basically whatever you come up with!

:busts_in_silhouette: Shards & Shenigans

If your TRP scan is finding dots on the map but not people on the ground, there sharding shenanigans afoot. To defeat the Shard BOss, find the shard anchor group in the:

  • Legacy > Molten Core tab of Group Finder for (WrA - A/H) Mereldar Roleplay.

(Listed In Legacy raids to make it findable cross-faction.)

:grey_question: Why do this?

Mereldar’s an awesome in-game place and fun to RP in. Plus, it’s fun to make it come to life on WrA. Looking forward to the stories we weave together while on patrol or toasting mugs at the Empire’s Edge Tavern.

:small_red_triangle_down: Flame keep you and see you in Mereldar! :small_red_triangle_down:


There’s a gathering in the Empire’s Edge Tavern tonight currently chatting about whether it’s day or nighttime in Hallowfall, because being underground with a shifty crystal is confusing for overcrawlers.

In-game listing is up to defeat the Shard Boss, see above.

That was fun. G’night and see you next time.


Kicking off things again in Mereldar tonight. If the Shard Boss returns, we’re listed in the Custom tab of Group Finder under (WrA - H/A) Mereldar Roleplay. Anchor is Allianceside but we have elixirs and Horde are welcome.

Scene/RP hook is contributing to the daily upkeep of Mereldar and doing one’s part.

Thanks for the fun! We picked up quite a few strays by accident coming in and out of the fountain square. See you next time.


I’ll keep an eye out whenever I fly through. Sounds fun!


This sounds really cool. The taverns out there are outstanding for ambience.


Thanks for the bumps, guys! Speaking of the tavern and its ambience…

Gathering again tonight in the Empire’s Edge Tavern (the main tavern in Mereldar near the Reknown Quartermaster. Vibes are chilling after a hard day and hoping nothing bad will happen.

The (WrA - A/H) Mereldar Roleplay group has been made in the Custom tab of Group Finder to defeat the Shard Boss. Speak yarr and enter (or any other magic word you think is fun).

Thanks for coming! We had someone in full Hallowfall regalia who took up post outside the inn as an IC Lamplighter who sounded warnings as the crystal turned light/dark. It really added to the atmosphere, hope to see them again.


I for one am looking forward to Roleplay kicking someone from the battlements and watching them fall, complete with looney toon sound effects.

In all seriousness, Harun will be by teaching the Arathi about farming!


When I decide to make my way back into spiderland I will certainly drop by Mereldar.


Once again kicking off some nightly Mereldar walk-up roleplay, currently in the main town square. Feeling like it’s a good night for some IC spars and perhaps making sure the lynxes with zoomies don’t maim anyone.

The (WrA - A/H) Mereldar Roleplay group is listed in the Custom tab of Group Finder to defeat the Shard Boss.

Thanks for checking it out, all. Turns out the suspicious mounds of dirt around Mereldar’s walls summon Nerubians, which makes for some pretty neat RP opportunities.

The crystal also is a bit inconsistent from player to player whether it’s dark or light. That said, the NPC townspeople hide inside and guards patrol or stand in attack mode when it’s dark, so that’s a good indicator of which cycle everyone currently is in.

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It’s a bug. My people are RPing in Hallowfall too and have figured out that sometimes it doesn’t swap back for some reason. Just relaunch the game(or log out and back in) and it’s right as rain.

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Is this a continous thing? Mereldar is so cool I’d love to have more RP there and in Dornogal too!


Those suspicious mounts of dirt summon Nerubians. Don’t stand in 'em!


It’s gunna be real awkward when the rest of the Arathi and their Emperor eventually arrive to forcibly show us the path of the holy flame and we kill him for his loot.


Ah, that makes sense. It seemed fine at the start of the expansion when I was leveling RPing with folks. Thanks to the NPCs, you can keep RP consistent but it would be nice if Beledar is fixed soon.

That’s the goal. It’s still a nascent effort but we’ve been getting more and more folks each night. That’s also talk of starting earlier in the evening for EST folks (which would be great for me, too).

It’s a fantastic potential x-faction hub and central to other areas, so it makes a logical, canonical pass-through point as PCs travel to and from the depths. Not to mention it has fantastic RP spots within the city and a lot of RP hooks as a zone to make things vary day to day.

Shhh, spoilers. They don’t quite know we’re unhinged murder hobos yet. They just know we’re handy keeping Kobyss and Nerubians in check. And also braining the Order of Night. If they knew the truth, they’d never let us through the walls!

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Had an unexpectedly busy night!

Came into the Mereldar tavern after raid and found it packed with a predominantly Alliance guild. Unsure how long they’d been there though for reference, my raid ends at 9 PM ST. They were fun to RP with and it was great to see such a crowd.

Beledar continues to be a little bugged so using the NPCs’ behavior still remains the best way to tell which cycle it’s currently in. Also tonight, we also had more Lamplighter roleplayers! Great to see people creating Hallowfall-based characters and enjoying the new Lore.

Roleplay at the moment is ongoing but it’s late for an EST gremlin such as myself so I’ll be tucking in. Hope this trend continues.

(Also, in case it wasn’t obvious: Dawnfield is my old main, Claresta my new. Swapping characters in this thread because I can’t update a thread twice on the same character.)

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Alrighty, with or without thread bumping, this has been ongoing in various ways in the last week and it’s been great to see multiple groups getting in on it. Bumping this thread so folks know it’s happening and if you make the callout here, the WCP, or Hallowfall General chat about RP and make an in-game group for anchoring, you can have a good time.

I’m caught up in a wedding this weekend so won’t be keeping up with this till likely Monday. Don’t hesitate to bump this thread up in my stead and keep people up-to-date on where they can walk up and join in.

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Maybe it’s because I haven’t done enough TWW yet, but I went to Lake Mereldar in EPL yesterday evening and didn’t see anyone.

This is Mereldar in Hallowfall! This is TWW content. Sorry for the confusion. :stuck_out_tongue:


Back from wedding weekend extravaganza and hanging out in Mereldar tonight. Whisper Lexaria-WyrmrestAccord (my alt) for a phase anchor or find our (WrA - A/H) Mereldar Roleplay group in the Custom tab of Group Finder.

Thanks for the fun!

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Here we go again…

The (WrA - A/H) Mereldar Roleplay group is listed in the Custom tab of Group Finder, whisper Lexaria-WymrestAccord (my alt) to join us for some walk-up roleplay in Mereldar. RP hooks include:

  • Travelers passing through Hallowfall on their way through caverns
  • Folks completing dailies IC needing R&R
  • Any Arathi/Lamplighter characters (we’ve seen quite a few!)
  • Any hook you think of

Hope to see you in-game.

Thanks for coming, all! Things were hopping tonight with multiple groups hanging in Mereldar. Even saw some word-of-mouth chatter in Dornogal Trade chat so thanks for the shout out.

We’ve also been pulling in folks from other servers, so it’s been awesome to show a walk-up scene outside Orgrimmar here on WrA. Let’s keep the momentum going.


The Arathi seem to be bonding a bit with the blood elves in at least one random conversation where they seem to agree their Light worship is similar to the Sunwell vs the Cathedral of Light in Stormwind. Not that factions are as big a thing at the moment but I’m thinking they may be headed in that direction.

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