[H/A] <Hand of Salvation> AOTC Guild 8/8H 9PM-11:30PM EST Still Raiding and Recruiting for Season 2

New patch in just a few weeks. If you’re looking for a consistent spot on a steady raid team, give us a try!

10.2 is upon us. Need a home? Come through and let’s achieve AOTC together! Got some ranged dps spots to fill and a healer or two.
Mages Locks Hunters Boomchickens where you at? Let’s raid down some bosses and get sweet loot!

returning lock here looking for a new guild…

vexity#11510 is my bnet

434 bm hunter

chris#1811 is my btag,
vazilly is my bnet

AOTC achieved. Looking to get your AOTC for Amirdrassil and beyond come thru! Looking for ranged dps and healers. Could maybe use a tank. Hit up Rilas. Contact info at the bottom of the original post.

still in need of a tank?

Hit up Rilas our GM on discord or B.net. His info is at the bottom of the original post.

He will have better info on whether the spot is still open.

Going to add my name as a contact as well.

We are looking to push into Mythic Amirdrassil, the intention is not to full clear but kill a few bosses during the week. As it stands right now we are full clearing heroic in one night under two hours so we would like to use our second raid night or even the remainder of the first night getting some time in Mythic.

We are currently looking for main spec healer as well as any class that is able and willing to flex spec from dps to healing if needed.

Ranged, especially a mage would also be a welcome addition. As always any class will be considered.

If you have any interest you can contact our GM Rilas with the information given in the OP or feel free to contact me via discord or with an in game mail sent to this character.

My discord information is: Dez2435

Thank you.

Edit: Feel free to reply here as well I may not post on the forums much but I have been lurking for years and have no plans to stop anytime soon.

updates classes we would like to have on the team. Check it out. Open to any dps classes regardless and outstanding apps!

Looking to find some strong heals atm. If you need an AOTC guild come thru. Hit up Rilas or Dezrek.

We need around 4-6 people to start messing around with mythic raiding. We’re just looking to clear some of the easy bosses and continue to enjoy raiding!

Why join HoS?! Cause we are a pretty chill guild that is fairly efficient at raiding. We are able to run a train on heroic in one evening. We have crafters and people willing to help others. We have people that run M+ from low keys to 20s that are very welcoming!

This is a perfect time to join us, come check the guild out!


8.26.24 is the date for the new expansion release. Get Excited!
If you are coming back and wanna get war ready, tag along with us.
We are still running weekly raids and clearing the awakened raids until prepatch.

Hit up Rilas or Dezrek. Discord info in the post.

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Setting up a guild meeting during pre-patch in order to talk all things Hand of Salvation, raiding and possibly locking down the raid comp, and our goals going into TWW. If you are coming back for the expansion and need an AOTC guild, come thru and join us on our adventures and experience the Worldsoul Saga with us!

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Prepatch is around the corner and we are getting ready for our guild meeting on July 30! It’s exciting times ahead as we get ready to tackle the saga in TWW. Still open to anyone looking for a home and achieve AOTC in Season 1. Hit us up!

Happy Friday Everyone! Hope everyone is checking and feeling out those changes. Still out here recruiting on these streets. Read about us and and hit me up if your interested.

I am looking purple with dalaran gear. Hopefully you guys are getting all the loots too in the Radiant Dawn Event. We got a few spots left before we hit 30 players on our roster.

Currently looking for a rogue, balance druid, demon hunter, and a healing priest to balance it all out. Hit me up!

Alleria anime was straight fire!!! Anyways needed a reason to bump. Looking for healers to round out the final spots on the roster.

you guys sound about where I want to be but I am a soldi ret paladin and you are not looking for ret, 20 year vet player…raided from classic to current

Just to give our post a bumb…we are looking for a Rogue or Demon Hunter

half way to AOTC! woohoo! next week more progression!