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We are still recruiting for S4 and the next expansion. If you are looking for your home within wow that are like a second family then Squirrely Inc is the place for you.

We are still recruiting for S4 and upcoming Xpac. Still looking for dps that would complement our current members and raid team and pvp players. Contact details are in original post. We look forward to having a chat and welcoming you to Squirrely Inc.

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We are recruiting for S4 and The War Within (exp) to fill slots in our raiding team as well as M+. Currently looking for a warlock, mage, death knight and any other good consistent dps. We are also looking for a Disc priest with a dps os. All contact details are in the OP.

We have VoI N 7/8 down going back for Ras tonight and to start on Heroic version. Looking for a rogue, death knight and warrior or any other good consistent dps. Looking for more tanks for M+ groups during the week. Contact details in the OP.

We are super interested in either a Resto Druid or Discipline Priest for our Raiding Team and also a Protection/Fury Warrior.

Players need to be able to commit to both Thursday and Monday nights from 6:30pm server time.