<Echidna Huggers> OCE - Season 2 - Recruiting for Raiding & Mythic+

Echidna Huggers is a PvE guild of new, returning and experienced players that welcome any players for raiding, keys and social aspects of the game. Mature family friendly with fun filled banter we are currently recruiting for our current season and preparations for season 2 raid, keystones and delves.

We are looking for dedicated and loyal members to join our community. People who know their class and can bring that WoW factor to our runs.

Raid Time: Saturday nights 8:00pm - 11:30pm server time (aest)
(S1 content - 8/8N 7/8H)
(S2 content - 5/8N)
Focus - AoTC each new raid

Current roles needed:

Tanks - Full
Healers - Full
Melee - Full
Ranged - Warlock


Times: Monday Nights

Roles: All open

We also encourage social players to join as we will be incorporating fun filled events as the guild grows. This will include transmog, mount farming, transmog farming, timewalking raids and other fun and exciting events.

If you are interested please contact our recruiter below:

Recruitment (Pixi) Btag- pixipixi#1133 or Discord - pixi_player

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We are still looking for players to join our amazing community. We are still doing content and happy to help people with either gear or understanding of the game itself. :slight_smile: contact info is in the original post above.

Currently also looking for another healer (preferably not a monk or shaman) as well as fun loving dps :slight_smile: our contact details are in the original post feel free to add either the GM or the Recruitment Officer.

Recruiting for current content (great for learning raids and group dynamics) please see original post for what we are looking for and how to contact us.


We are looking for more melee classes to round out our raid team and to add to our amazing community. If this sounds like what you are looking for add either btags in the original post and come join our banter and fun.

Our community is starting to really fill out with some amazing people. If you would like to join us please contact us via the information in the original post. Let’s have fun getting ready for Season 2 :smiley:

Looking forward to season 2 we would love to hear from melee classes and people who are interested in Mythic+ keys for season 2. We welcome people who are looking for a social guild with lots of great banter and shenanigans :slight_smile:

We are still looking for an amazing healer to enhance our raid team. If we sound like what you are looking for then please reach out and we can get the ball rolling. We are also looking for other roles and classes as well. Our original post will detail all that information but we definitely WANT YOU!!! :heart_hands:

We are still looking for the final people for our community to fill those amazing roles as healer and dps in our raid and also tanks and healers for our mythic+ dungeons. If you are looking for a guild that is more like a family then look no further.

We just cleared two more bosses in Nerub-ar Palace so that now puts us at 7/8H and we are heading back in tonight to get that elusive Queen down too. Bare in mind we did start late in the season and have only had about 5 runs as a full group in there.

We are recruiting for Season 2 raiding and mythic+ dungeons. Check out our original post for what we are looking for or send a btag request.

Interested in chatting about season 2 raiding with you guys. Feel free to hit me up on discord Hetzu for a chat about it

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Sent you a request on discord. Out atm but will be back after lunch

We are still looking for healers to round out our raiding family. Looking for Preservation evoker and restoration shaman with a dps os. Also some dps demon hunter, feral druid and shadow priest. Contact info in original post.

Heading into The Undermine this weekend and we are still looking for a Demon Hunter and a warlock to round out our team :slight_smile:

We are still recruiting for Raid, Mythic+ and Delves. See our original post for more information and contact details. Heading into The Undermine raid tonight :smiley: