[H/A] Barthilas <Severity> S4+TWW - LF dps/healers - 2 nights Sun/Mon 7:30 - 10pm AEST

Good morning ^^^^

Hey there, added you on Discord. Can’t message until friend request is accepted ^^

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Couple spots open <3

Good evening

Happy almost weekend :slightly_smiling_face:

Ola amigos, LFM DPS! <3

Happy Monday! LFM

Happy Easter

LFM Season 4 :slight_smile:

Back raiding this week! LFM!

Up. LFM friends for raiding S4 + TWW

Looking for a new guild to join and the schedule works well for me. Holy Priest A (501) - Creepbox

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Good evening.

Good Morning. LFM healers + dps

Good afternoon - LFM S4 + TWW

Hey there,

I’ve just returned last season and currently using S4 to play around a bit and prep for TWW.

At the moment I’m gearing up a holy/ret paladin if that sounds good/useful :slight_smile:

Absolutely, shoot me a message on discord or bnet and we’ll have a chat.

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Shot you a message on discord :slight_smile:

LFM TWW. DPS + healers

LFM TWW! DPS (melee pref!) + Healers