Looking for few more to build up mythic raid
Boomkin looking for a new consistent guild for mainly mythic+ and raids!
Hey there Aranna, feel free and add Arcadian#1799, Like to chat with ya
was just sent
Friendly bump
Friendly bump
Looking for priest heals, monk and range dps
Updated info
Sent a Bnet request Hope to speak with you all soon!
Recruiting for H Nerub-ar Palace and upcoming 11.1
Hey i sent you a request on battle.net. im looking for a guild just came back after a long hiatus and am looking for people to play with and maybe get back into raiding.
You wouldn’t happen to be looking for a holy priest by any chance, would ya?
Heya Daphnie, we are! Feel free to add me or the guild gm on battle net for us to chat some more. @ Swishersweet#1925 and Arcadian#1799 One of us or both will get back to you asap
Christmas Eve bump
Merry Christmas
Added on bent returning CE player looking for laid back home
i618 Prot Warrior here looking for a Guild and Raid / M+ Group to progress with. Are you guys still recruiting?
BT: HâVøÇ#1618
Discord: hav0c3870
I’ve just sent you a request, very interested to talk with you all!
I am interested but I have a few questions. Please reach out on discord at bestviperna