(H/A) <Alpha Omega> is Recruiting for UnderMined -- Thurs/Sundays @ 5pm PST (4/8 Heroic)

Friend request sent. Looking forward to talking with you!

Raid opens this coming week, looking for few dps

Hit me up on BNet TheBugKilla#1641 have a 70 mage I could lvl fast

I’m an affliction warlock looking to get into raiding. I raided a little in dragonflight and am looking to get back into it for this xpac. I am interested in learning how to heal but I’d need to level up my priest. Let me know if you guys are interested. :slight_smile:

Hey there Doughby, Go ahead and add Arcadian#1799 and or myself Swishersweet#1925, we would love to chat with ya

Looking for few more range dps

Hello! I’m looking to get back into raiding / M+ content and casually play pvp. Shadow Priest is my main at the moment. Battle.Net tag is Cobrahands#11773. I also have Mage, Lock, and Sham that I could play if needed as well.

Heya Cobra, I’ll add you once I get home from work! Looking to chat with ya

Sounds good! I added you and Arcadian on bnet.

(This is Cobra. Haven’t used forums in a while, forgot I could change which character I post as so I changed to my main.)

First raid soon for the guild, looking for few more range dps

Hi there! I’m very interested in joining. Haven’t raided in a while (since legion) but have been wanting to give it another go with the new expansion
Noticed yall were looking for ranged dps and I happen to main Arcane Mage
Skreacher —> Lightbringer US

To above reply, forgot to add battle tag
(This is Bushdidixxi)

Hey there Skreacher, I’ll go ahead and send ya a friends request, love to chat with you about joining.

Updated our current needs

Search bump

Search bump

Too much micromanagement and way too many “meetings” going on in the guild but otherwise decent people. The game should always be social but this often felt like forced socialization for things there were outside of actually playing the game.

Updated our current needs

Looking for more

Looking for few more dps classes