About Us
Wonderful is a Mythic progression raiding guild founded back in August 2022. Wonderful is always looking for players who want to push their characters beyond the first 4 Mythic bosses. This guild is a Very late night PST, adult oriented raiding guild who loves killing bosses, getting loot and running keys every night. Just like every other guild, we can offer you a place for you that is welcoming with an encouraging environment for everyone. We all have goals whether it be raiding, pushing for title in keys, or having fun with others. Everyone needs to work together to kill bosses within our limited time.
Currently recruiting: Ranged DPS. Any other DPS are welcomed.
Mythic Core Team:
Current Progression: LoU 8/8N 3/8H
Previous Experience: NP: 6/8M
- Tuesday and Wednesday 10 PM PST - 12:30 AM PST
- Monday is Optional at the beginning of a tier to push the team further into progression.
Roster and Subs
Core Mythic Raiders understand that all spots are open and we are for the Team. Our goal is to push the guild further into progression. We try our best to keep a healthy roster of 21- 25. Some classes will be favored depending on the tier and players need to understand being on the bench doesn’t mean staying there.
Expectations For Mythic Raiders
- Attendance must be at least 90% - we understand life, work or family life can derail attendance but, we expect you to notify the Officers of changes.
- Everyone must come to raid nights fully prepared. Research fights and install weak auras provided by information posted.
- RC LOOT is what we use to cut down on loot discrepancies.
- Players need to be able to receive constructive criticism on their overall performance.
- Working Mic
- Team and Progression Mindset
Looking for players who want to constantly push their character into higher content. Team mind-set above everything else and wanting to put the guild first. We are always looking to expand our roster. Raiders that are mechanically inclined, willing to adapt with strategies, motivated to fight through burnouts and with current tier logs can apply to the guild through adding one of the following contacts listed below.
We do have a second team for those needing an earlier time!
Dying Builds Character is a group of people who are focused on getting AOTC each tier with a more relaxed approach. If you’re wanting to apply for this team please see contact information below.
Raid Days and Time:
Wed/Thurs 8:30 - 11:00 PM Central Time (9:30 PM to 12:00 AM EST)
Contact Information:
CO-GM Btag: Blushi#11425
Raid Lead Btag: Hamster#11648
DBC Leader Btag: Thranduiel#11265
“People are people.”