[H] [Zul'Jin] <Cairdeas Nua> 6/12M - LFM DPS - 6Hr W/Th 8:30-11:30 EST

Mid week bumpin

my bumps, my bumps, my bumps

still looking for great ranged players

its reset day, can i get a bump yeah

raid day bumps

TGIF bumps

Happy Saturday

weekend bumpin

where my ranged dps at?

Looking for guild on <Zul’Jin US>
478 Outlaw rogue
455 Resto druid
460 outlaw rogue
463 Unholy DK
462 Prot warrior

We are age:23+

Looking for a Raiding guild to call home. We run M+ everyday and are insanely active. 4/5 people are returning players looking to dive into the raid scene.
We recently stepped foot in Nyalotha and cleared up to Ra’den with ease in a pug group while we were also raid leading / topping damage / learning mechanics simultaneously.
We are quick learners and have boosted our IO’s in a matter of the last week completing up to a 12 with freshly boosted characters.

If interested Battletag: Conbaby#11315

Hello i applied in the discord im the hunter with the alt resto druid

Bump on a friday

Bumps on a saturday morning

Bumping on Mothers day

bumpin for ranged dps, where you at?

a bump for you, and a bump for you, and another for you!

Always interested in active DPS players!

Back to the top with you

still looking for ranged dps

Friday bumpin, where my ranged dps at?