[H] [Zul'Jin] <Cairdeas Nua> 6/12M - LFM DPS - 6Hr W/Th 8:30-11:30 EST

Current Recruitment Needs:

Death Knight

We will consider any active and mythic raid ready DPS in addition to those specs noted above. Having logs available is a plus.

Raiding Info:

Our recruitment needs are updated as needed and noted above. Our raid days are Wed/Thur from 8:30pm to 11:30pm EST. We do not typically go over time. It is helpful if you can log on earlier for invites, but our requirement is that you are ready to raid at raid time. We are typically working adults with many players on at varying hours, but primarily evening activity.


Our intent at this time is to continue to work on Mythic progression. Our focus is on bringing together a versatile raid roster and community of players in line with our goals as we prepare for Shadowlands. We have several players that actively run Mythic+ dungeons in the middle to higher keys and pushing upwards. If you cannot make both raid nights but would love to assist when you can, or would just like to be part of a good community of people, apply anyway.

We would love to have you join us! Visit our discord recruitment channel to submit an application for consideration at discord.gg/aRzrZYv

Best of luck to you in your endeavors.

Guild information:

Cairdeas Nua (CAR-DIS NU-AH, “New Friendship”) is a Horde guild that transferred to Zul’Jin from Whisperwind (Alliance). When our former guild master retired, our new GM decided to move the guild to a server where we would have a better chance of long term growth and development - while still adhering to the values that brought all of us together in the first place. Some of our members have known each other for over a decade. We have a good variety of old and new to keep us responsive to the new member experience. Our focus is the often referenced but not always realized “semi-hardcore” experience. We want to engage and succeed in the highest content that the game has to offer; as a team, putting each other first and as respected members of the WoW community.

To that end, Cairdeas Nua has 3 simple, but all-encompassing rules that govern our culture and goals. They are:

Rule #1 - We Succeed or Fail as a Team

Our goal is to foster friendships and a sense of community. To that end, we engage in the highest levels of content that we can achieve, and we do it together. When we are victorious, it is a shared victory. When we fail, we improve as a group, pick ourselves up and try again. We do not put personal achievement or progression above the goals of the team.

Rule #2 - Guild Members First

We ask that you consider utilizing guild members for activities whenever possible. We have varying skill levels, time availability and perspectives within the guild, but we should always have a unifying drive to make this community an enjoyable experience for everyone. Think about how your actions may impact fellow members and treat everyone with respect.

Rule #3 - Don’t be a Dick

Your actions represent the guild. Pretty much everyone knows right from wrong, fair from unfair. Represent us well, and help us grow as a community.

1 Like

Bumping on a Saturday night

Looking for more to move into mythic

Monday morning bumps

I am interested. Since coming back a few months ago, finding a consistent guild has been fruitless.

Elementiax - 459 Ele Shaman - 11/12N 6/12H (only pugs)

I have been raiding since release and have a wealth of experience that makes me an instant fit with any raid team. I do have to mention in advance that I healed for 8 years so I am not looking to fill a flex role. I plan on raiding right through next XPac.

Your raid times and atmosphere appear to be just what I’m looking for.

Stone454#1611 to chat further.

Back to the top for raid night

Only need a few more to resume our mythic progression! Needs updated.

Bumping to the top on a sunday morning

stuck at home with nothing to do, come and hang out with us

bumping on a wednesday

Post updated with new recruitment needs. Visit discord.gg/aRzrZYv to apply!

Recruitment needs updated. Visit discord.gg/aRzrZYv to apply!

Were still looking for great people to join us

bee you emm pee

Raid night bump

Mythic bosses going down tonight

Bumping on the weekend

Our recruitment needs have been updated. Apply at discord.gg/aRzrZYv

Monday bumps are the best

reset day bumps, looking for great people still