[H] [ZUL’JIN] <ENTROPI> 10/10M CN,2 night, Multi-CE

LF strong Discipline Priest, Lock, UDK! And Happy Holidays!

Hi There!

Myself and two friends are looking for a CE oriented guild. I have years of CE raiding and leadership experience and my friends are newer to mythic raiding but achieved high IO in BFA through pugging.

We’re looking for a guild where we can have a chance to raid together and have fun while aiming for CE every tier.

My past experience:
Former GM of CE Guild Impetus-Turalyon
Uldir - CE
BoD - CE
EP - 6/8M (quit wow during zaqul)
Nyalotha - AOTC

Here are our logs below. We’re currently 9/10H and 1/10M

Spriest - https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/id/51935454#difficulty=4&bybracket=1
MM Hunter - https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/zuljin/windso#difficulty=4&bybracket=1
WW Monk - https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/zuljin/lynngunn#difficulty=4&bybracket=1

The MM hunter can swap to BM Tank and the WW Monk is open to any dps or healers that would help the guild prog.

Please add me on Discord to discuss further Purgatoire#6139

Thx Purgatoire! Thx for meeting on Discord, looking forward to potentially raiding with you! :smiley:

Turkey leftovers anyone?


Affliction warlock is here, my current ilevel 201 and 4/10 Herioc experience in the bag. Please do let me know if you guys are still looking for RDPS, happy to have a chat if this suits.


TY Azmachai for your interest in Entropi!

LF Strong progression raiders!

LF Strong progression raiders with multiple CE backgrounds

LF Team oriented raiders with CE backgrounds

LF Progression raiders with multiple CE backgrounds

Back from the Holidays and the team got M Huntsman last night :smiley: LF for strong CE-backgrounds, team-oriented progression raiders!

It’s Tues! GL on chests! LF Team-oriented progression raiders!

LF team-oriented, progression raiders!

LF Team-oriented, multi CE MM Hunter and UDK!

Looking for strong, team-oriented, raiders!

LF Strong progression tank, core spot due to job change for our current tank!

LF strong, team-oriented tank!

LF Tank - DH, Monk or DK, strong progression background, multi CE pref

LF Team-oriented raiders with CE backgrounds!

LF Strong progression raiders with multi CE backgrounds!