Is this NLR?
Rogue is highest priority atm
still looking! needs some ranged! SPriest High PRIO
I was told Rogue/Hunter for highest prio
6/9M Hype Ps. RAI IS A SNACC
Spriest and rogue now, but always looking for more hunters
We’re alright.
Basically only room for Spriest and rogue, or anyone not-melee with dope af logs
Looking for Exceptional players!
pls join us
why does it have to be 10 letters?
Requirements updated to reflect what we’re lookin for come 8.2. Still big need for a healer.
is it 8.2 yet?
wtb healer pls
Eady will yell at me if i dont bump.
Someone has to keep him in line
The provide Vantus ruins, but its up to you to use it.
Also feasts and flasks! Also up to you if you click em.
and me. you get me.