[H] [Windseeker] <Peaked in BC> | 11/11 2/3 | Tues/Thurs 8pm EST

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throwing this to the top for future guildies

Prepatch tomorrow lets go!

Still need a few dps

Bumping for that one prot paladin we need

Servers up soon

Any blood elves out there?

High priority on Hpal and Prot paladin. Looking for solid players who know their class.

Need a few dps still

Back up to the top for future guildies to see!

Still looking for a few more to fill our 25 man Tues/Thurs raid.

Are you guys still in seek of either a Hunter or if I can manage it this week, a Prot Paladin?

Yea man feel free to message me in game or on discord when you have time

Any mages around?

Up to the top so future guild members can see the post

looking for mages still

Updating visibility for future guildies

Still recruiting a few for our second raid team. Any last minute guildies out there?

Bumping for new members

still looking for a few solid players for our raid team :slight_smile: