[H] <Whiskay Wonders>

Hi I am looking for a forever home and your guild sounds like a good fit, I would like to hear more about your guild. Let’s chat either on discord or Bnet heres my info.

Discord: Beddhead#0119
Bnet: Beddhead#1810

I havn’t received a request

Bump it out

Bumps for the players

Best GM on this server or any other! Get in this guild ASAP!

Bumping for SL

Bump for SL, dps wanted

Hey there, I normally play tank and have AOTC for Uldir and Antorus as Guardian Druid, but I do also play Ret Pally as my alt. Would be willing to switch that to my main and play Ret DPS for you guys.

sure man, we are taking all kinds of dps. Just shoot me a message on discord, my info is up top.

bumping for returning players and casuals

still taking new members, 1 week out

Hello! Have a group of 3 (ret, fury, havoc) looking for a guild to do AOTC & some mythic with. Are you still recruiting?

we are still taking people, yes

Sounds like this may be a good fit for me, hopefully for you as well!

Check my post history for a thread that describes what I have to offer, as well as a little information about myself. Looking to play brew or mw, but really am willing to play just about anything as long as it fits the raid well (dps is fine too!).

Regardless, good luck in shadowlands. Hope you’re all as hyped as I am!

Bumping, a healer would be chill

bump, still taking those looking for casual AOTC Guild

Downing Generals and Sire tonight!

Still recruiting! Hit me up on disco if you’re interested Joe Dirt#5103

Looking for peeps for 9.1

bumping in search of a tank, non pally heals and who ever else enjoys drinking and playing wow