[H] <Wayward Soul Company> Looking for New Members to Join our Community!

Feel free to try our community out and see if we’re a good fit!

We’re also looking for DPS in raids and some more friends to run M+ with!

I might be a little biased, but this is a friendly and fun guild to run with!

We do try to regularly put M+ groups together, and have been making good progress in Fated raids toward getting the slime cat mount!

Legion timewalking is upon us! Which also means Legion keystones… come join in on the fun! We are always welcoming people, regardless of what you like to do. Come hang out and see if we’re a good fit!

Happy Saturday! Weekends in the guild are always abuzz with activity!

We are actively looking for consistent DPS for our raids and folks interested in running mythic keystones.

If you don’t partake in either avenue of content, have no fear! Anyone is welcome to join regardless of what you like to get up to!

Definitelynthe best guild I have ever had the pleasure to be a part of and it’s not even close. Everyone is so helpful and inclusive and supportive.

Any chance you you guys would be looking for a resto shaman? Looking for a place to raid and do keys.

Hello, Falkaren!

Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on perspective), we have a healthy number of healers for raids currently. That said, I do think some folks are okay with running DPS as well, but I cannot guarantee how that would look week to week.

As for keys, any role is good! We’re definitely looking to get more people running together within the guild, and the role options are aplenty!

Really excelelent guild to clear content with. Everyone is super friendly and exclusive and it is a very relaxed and tilt-free environment. :slight_smile:


This guild has been the best thing that has happened to me in WoW. Having a fun group of friends really makes the game so much more enjoyable! If you’re browsing for a new home, feel free to give us a shot!

If you’re looking for a sign to join a super cool guild, this is it. :sunglasses:

The pre-patch is nearly upon us!

We are always recruiting, so feel free to pop in and try us out if you’re looking for a new community to call home.

For those looking towards endgame progression content - we are looking for healers and DPS for raids, and any role for M+ keystones.