[H] <Warsong Elite> Twink Guild|Earthfury - PvP|

Hello Everyone,

< Warsong Elite >

Is an active hardcore Twink Guild, we are recruiting for all twink brackets, but we are currently developing teams for premade Warsong Gulch for (lvl19 Bracket). This way you will achieve PvP gear as well as the highest honor rank as fast as possible. Twinks in progress are welcome but will be kicked if they become inactive. Our goal is to smash the Alliance scum in the most efficient way possible! Whisper one of our guild leaders in-game if you are in the process of creating a twink.

Gurubashi Arena

In the meantime, bring your twink to the arena in STV along with your main account for groups to acquire the Arena Grand Master trinket to make life easier! Chest drops are @ 12a.m., 3 a.m., 6 a.m., 9 a.m., 12 p.m., 3 p.m., 6 p.m., 9 p.m., (Highest roll of the group will win the chest of the hour)

Fishing Tournament

Phase #3 (Fishing Tournament) is implemented, and our set schedule will be created.

Faction / Realm

Horde / Earthfury


Phase #3 (Warsong Gulch) is implemented, and our set schedule will be created.


Whisper our guild leaders in-game to get started!

Guild Master - Nerdwallet (Twink)
Main account - Dirtydoter

Co-leader - Thank (Twink)
Main account - Cowshift
Our discord will be provided after acceptance into the guild. :sunglasses: