[H] Warlock, p4 bis geared LF a guild, can transfer

Hello all! I have been on Faerlina sins classic came out, but I feel like it might be time for a change. Character/us/faerlina/joeblow on warcraftlogs.

I am 35 years old and I’m from Sweden. I play everyday, I can raid any day.
I would like a semi-hc daytime raiding guild. Starting naxx around 1 server time. I am juice#9121 on discord if you would like to chat there.

I dont require the server to be super active or anything like that, id mainly like to find a stable home with a group of people who will continue on playing in TBC and a clear plan for how to split up the current raid in tbc. I currently have 24.000 gold.

Its very important to me that the guild has a proper LC in place. DKP or EPGP. I dont want to join another LC guild. My discord is in the text above, hit me up.

Does midnight to 3 am pst tues, wed, and thurs, work for you?
If so message me on discord

Hey Joe,

If you can raid 9:30am-12:30pm US-East we we would be very interest in speaking to you about joining our team.

(First pull 3:45pm start time CEST)

If you’re still interested in a guild. hit me up on discord Esdeekay#3887. I think we might have something that fits what you need pretty well.

Hey man,
If your still looking for a fit please check us out! Were on Rattlegore and raid wed/thurs/sun 6-9pm PST. Semi-HC in need of a soild lock for sure were rocking through AQ atm and looking for longterm players for Naxx & TBC. Loot council loot system. I am the GM and feel free to add me on discord if you have any questions! highlyunlikely#2522

Edited the top post and threw this in: Edit 09-14: I have been contacted and spoken to some great people, I have come to the conclusion that I can move asap. But I would like for a few things to match up for me to pay the transfer.

1: I want to find a very serious guild that cleared AQ in 2 hours or less with DMF. I would like it to start on time and I would like for the guild to have summoners in diffrent world buff locations. I am looking for some nice leadership and a guild that will continue on for TBC and has a very low attrition. Personaly I dont think I have missed a single raid lockout sins p1. I would like to find like minded people.
2. Raids before 8pm EST.
3. A loot system that is not LC, I come from a server where all I saw was corrupt LC’s. Would rather have some nice system DKP system or EPGP or whatever els.

Hey if you are still looking, I’m currently recruiting 1 more lock to put us at 4. My guilds name is on smolderweb. We have four raids throughout the week and my group is the Saturday/Sunday raid which starts at 8pm EST. We are a LC but as the warlock rep I can assure you it isn’t corrupt and we can talk about it more if you’d like!

We are doing 1 night clears of aq40 and will provide the speed and competitiveness that you are looking for (we were the top horde speed clear for bwl on our server and hope to push for aq40 soon).

If this interests you at all hit me up on discord at icebus#0221 if you want to look me/us up on logs you can search icebus.

Good luck :slight_smile:

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