[H] Warlock LF AoTC 2-3 Day Raiding/M+/PvP on Tich (Late Evenings pref)

Returning player from WoTLK & Legion, expecting to go all in this expansion playing a Warlock.
Past Experience
Played in Burning Crusade & WoTLK maining a Rogue, took a break and then played raided in Legion gaining the Aotc achievement.
What I am looking for
I am hoping to get into a Aotc heading into Castle Nathria, also ultimately aiming to progress through Mythic Nathria as well, I also love to play Mythic +'s and I am finally getting my feet wet withing Arena’s.
Raiding Times
The Ideal raiding schedule for me would be Monday-Sun 11:30pm-3:00am Or Mon,Tues,Thurs 2:30-4:30 or 11:30-3:00am

BNet: SupraIV#1391
Discord:{RoC} LeSaiyan#0154

I forgot to change toons to my Lock, this is “Lesaiyan”. Also all times are in EST timezone.

Hey there, I’ll leave our guilds bit of info here for you to consider.
Look forward to hearing from you!


Bump! Bump! Bump it up!

Still looking! Bump to the top!