[H] Warbound Legion (Constant World PvP!)

08/04/2018 08:28 AMPosted by Whipstriker
08/03/2018 02:26 PMPosted by Throggma
no pineapple pizza either
False. If there one thing that gamers just love, its pineapple pizza!
im writing your name down
08/03/2018 10:31 PMPosted by Parish
Hi Throgg
hey bob, i miss u
some very fine people in this guild. I highly recommend them

What else you going to do join gossipgirl ISR or SGI D7?
08/03/2018 08:47 PMPosted by Throggma
08/03/2018 03:01 PMPosted by Polymorph

Sign me the !@#$ up
please let me see your gamer license too, just give me one major accomplishment. for example, my gamer license is from beating Poptropica without a walkthrough

Uhh, I am Polymorph?
08/07/2018 04:34 PMPosted by Polymorph
08/03/2018 08:47 PMPosted by Throggma
... please let me see your gamer license too, just give me one major accomplishment. for example, my gamer license is from beating Poptropica without a walkthrough

Uhh, I am Polymorph?
give me one major accomplish for a gamers license sir
I was a BG pleb when I started in BC but haven’t really gotten to enjoy PVP to it’s fullest. In WotLK I started to raid more, almost full time. I am very interested in joining and doing a bit of both things with a large group.
08/10/2018 07:27 AMPosted by Gorikar
I was a BG pleb when I started in BC but haven’t really gotten to enjoy PVP to it’s fullest. In WotLK I started to raid more, almost full time. I am very interested in joining and doing a bit of both things with a large group.
Just contact any officers in WBL, including myself. We would love to have you! <3
Lok-Narash! Hail to the Warbound Legion!
WOW! Great guild!
Bump boys
How many people are on usually in the evenings? Is this a large guild where you get lost in the numbers?
1 Like
Throggma is an awesome Wpvp leader and my time in WBL was great and I learned a lot and very grateful to the Members of WBL. WBL will mop the floor with any of the Alliance guilds . I was a part of Throggma’s WPVP events and numerous times he lead us to victory even being outnumbered 4 to one.

Throggma and everyone in WBL keep up the good work wiping the horrible Alliance!

Good Luck,


Throggy won’t stop whispering me sweet nothings. Can someone please help

Why would you want that to stop?:joy:

Consider it an honor :+1:t2::cowboy_hat_face:

Haha! I’m flattered.

I’ve had some of my best “wow” memories with WBL. I remember the day we defended Silvermoon from asmonbald, and the utter defeat of his twitch prime warriors. Our flag flies forever triumphant, we will not rest until the scourge of our beloved realm, our very way of life, is driven from the land. Take the red and black, or die. To victory brothers and sisters! GLORY TO CHUCK

I want in. Rolling a new 110 DH tonight just for this. Who do I contact.

Contact Throggma in game, or ask anyone in the guild to point you to an officer. We look forward to your joining.

I heard WBL be looking for them healers and here I is ready to go! Come back from my hiatus to find out there be changes…to ED. But never fear for I is here!

Signed - Papa