[H] Warbound Legion (Constant World PvP!)

id join but I dont like the gms transmog.
You are missing out. Great guild.
What are you looking for for rbg's and stuff right now?,What are you looking for for rbg's and stuff right now?
Hakuna Matata
My current guild is dead and makes me cry. Would this guild not be dead and make me not cry? I enjoy long walks on the beach and leeching the souls out of people.
Bump for the legion
Been in this guild for about a month, loving it so far =)
Bump :)
Bump for Fathom being a nerd. Nice meeting some of you :)
Join the Legion today!
If Horde is your preference, try rolling with Vursula & crew. Great people who know how to have fun!
Glory to Warbound!
Throggma #1.
Got room for an old bear?
We sure do friend, add me on btag and I will get you right in today :)

Fun rbg against some of you guys last night.

How many RBG groups do you have? How often do they meet?
We have 2 rbg teams, and they run a few times a week in the evenings :)
I'm returning with a couple of old Pvp friends. If there isn't enough room in your current two groups, would you guys be open to starting another?