[H] Wanderlust is recruiting active raiders, social, and M+! 6/9M

Bump, come join us!

We’re pretty cool people. Bump

Hey, Im returning to the game LF a guild to raid / do m+ with. Have several characters - mostly playing VDH in M+ right now and open to raiding as Havoc when I gear up. I sent ves a bnet request

Come join us! We don’t bite, hard. Unless you request it.

Bump, Still need DPS!

3/9 now, Come join us!

Good prog on experiments, should be down shortly! Come join us!

Looking for more for Amirdrassil. We are off to a pretty decent start at 1/9M!

Got Council down last week! Onward to Larry.

Larry Bird BEWARE

Larodar and Nymue down!

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Grats on the two kills!