[H] <Voltage> 9/9M - 2Day, Only 5½ Hrs - Recruiting!

Come come come!

Looking for ranged DPS! Lock and Mage!!

LF dps add me if interested

DPS pls come

blockade ded yee boiis

Recruiting mage,lock,hunter and Spriest

LF dps for jania and 8.2

hi plz join us im pretty cool

come wipe on jaina with us

raid dayyyy!

Jaina P2 - Free raid consumables and pizza courtesy Hellrider.

hello we are the best plz join us

time to crush jaina

LFM - 2 Days Quick Loot

LF range dps and warr

LF Warr and range dps

hi come join us

LF DPSSS! comecome

lf big pumpers

LF a new warr that isnt an fing flak