[H] <Vibrant> 2/8M Undermine US 32 Nerub-ar Palace - Recruiting All

Looking for Hpal, Rogue, evoker and Multi class tank

Recruiting Hpal, Rogue, Boomy and evoker

bump, high prio on boomy and evoker

Recruiting Evoker, Boomy and Rogue

Looking for Any healer, Rogue, Boomy, Evoker

Recruiting Rogue, Evoker and any Healers.

Looking for any healer, Evoker and Rogue

Recruiting Evoker, Rogue and Any healer

bump, high prio on aug/dev evoker, rogue

Recruiting Healers, Aug/dev and Rogue.

Looking for Healers, Aug/Dev and a Rogue

bump, high prio on aug/dev evoker, rogue and any other motivated blasters

Recruiting, Evoker, rogue and any healers

bump, to the top

Recruiting Healers, Rogues, Evokers

Looking for Healers and Evokers

High Prio on healers

bump, high prio on competitive healers

Looking for Holy/Disc Priest and Any healer.

Recruiting Healers, High prio on Holy/Disc Priest