[H] <Vibrant> 2/8M Undermine US 32 Nerub-ar Palace - Recruiting All

recruiting all classes and roles.

bump, looking for all motivated players to push into next tier

Recruiting all classes

Looking for motivated players

bump, high prio on frost/unholy dk/rogue

Recruiting All classes. High Prio on Dk/Rogue

Looking for all classes and specs

bump, to the top

Recruiting all classes

bump, to the top

Recruiting all classes

bump, recruiting all motivated players

Recruiting all classes

bump, to the top

Recruiting all classes and roles. High Prio on DK

Looking for all classes high Prio on DK

Recruiting all classes high prio on DK

bump, high prio on dps dk

High prio on DK and Hpal

Recruiting all roles and classes. High Prio on DK and Hpal