[H] Vengeance DH LF mythic dungeon guild (:

[Zul’jin] I main brewmaster monk and vengeance demon hunter. I have been tanking for a year and wanted to find a dungeon/raid guild that would like to have me. I have been wanting to be apart of a mythic dungeon and raiding guild for a while with non toxic but serious people. I wouldn’t say i’m a perfect tank and I would appreciate it if guild members understand that mistakes happen and to help me, teach me, and make me better and not tear me down. Thank you :slight_smile:

Hey Thurned,

Mean Girls Squad on Zul’jin would love to add a few more tanks to the guild for M+. Our current spots for tanking are competitive but there’s always a chance down the line that something might just open up.

Here’s my original post! Look forward to chatting!