[H] Valorous LFM for WoTLK

BUMP We are LFM hit us up!




LF Resto Shaman and some mixed dps.


LFM What Parksi said ^


Still looking for some folks for the pewpew’ing


LF a healer and 2-3 dps!

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Looking for 1 healer (Holy/Disc) !

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Hello Mankrik!

[H] Valorous is looking for new members for Wotlk!

Our guild is comprised of former top 100 world members from TBC/Wotlk looking to have a fun experience reliving this classic era. We formed in April 2021 and already have a large community of gamers from around the globe. We love this game and you can catch us playing it but we also play other games and even have a guild D&D campaign!

We are a semi-hardcore guild that expects all members to be prepared for each raid with the correct gems, enchants, food and consumables. Professions should also be min/max.

We are currently looking to solidify our WoTLK roster:

1 warlock
1 enh sham
1 ele/resto (open to duel spec)

Casuals and backup players are always welcome!

We currently use LC to distribute loot.

Raid times are Tuesday and Wednesday from 9pm-12am EST.

If interested, please hit me up in game on Viniee, add me on battle.net as Vinny8561#1448 or Discord Vinny#0251 or Officer: Parksi in game, parksy#6400 on discord, Parksy#1788 battle.net

Thanks and good luck !

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Hello Mankrik!

[H] Valorous is looking for new members for Wotlk!

Our guild is comprised of former top 100 world members from TBC/Wotlk looking to have a fun experience reliving this classic era. We formed in April 2021 and already have a large community of gamers from around the globe. We love this game and you can catch us playing it but we also play other games and even have a guild D&D campaign!

We are a semi-hardcore guild that expects all members to be prepared for each raid with the correct gems, enchants, food and consumables. Professions should also be min/max.

We are currently looking to solidify our WoTLK roster:

1 warlock
1 enh sham
1 ele/resto (open to duel spec)

Casuals and backup players are always welcome!

We currently use LC to distribute loot.

Raid times are Tuesday and Wednesday from 9pm-12am EST.

If interested, please hit me up in game on Viniee, add me on battle.net as Vinny8561#1448 or Discord Vinny#0251 or Officer: Parksi in game, parksy#6400 on discord, Parksy#1788 battle.net

Thanks and good luck !

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Still LFM!

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LF1M Enh Sham

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Enh Sham
Ele/Resto Sham

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1 Enh
1 Ele/Resto
1 Lock
1 Hunter


LF 2 more dps, in order of preference. Enhance , ele, warlock, boomkin, spriest, or fury warrior.


LF 2 more dps, in order of preference. Enhance , ele, warlock, boomkin, spriest, or fury warrior.

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Hello Mankrik!

[H] Valorous is looking to replace a few members who left for Dragonflight!

Our guild is comprised of former top 100 world members from TBC/Wotlk looking to have a fun experience reliving this classic era. We formed in April 2021 and already have a large community of gamers from around the globe. We love this game and you can catch us playing it but we also play other games and even have a guild D&D campaign!

We are a semi-hardcore guild that expects all members to be prepared for each raid with the correct gems, enchants, food and consumables.

We are currently looking to solidify our WoTLK roster:

  • Ret
  • Lock

Casuals and backup players are always welcome! Also looking for anyone who just wants to raid 10m.

Open to talk to anyone who wants to run a 10m group

We currently use LC to distribute loot.

Raid times are Tuesday and Wednesday from 9pm-12am EST.

If interested, please hit me up in game on Vinnyy, add me on battle.net as Vinny8561#1448 or Discord Vinny#0251 or Officer: Parksy in game, parksy#6400 on discord, Parksy#1788 battle.net

Thanks and good luck !