[H][US][PvP Server] Grey Screen Academy is recruiting for Classic Raids. T/T 6:00-9:00 EST

To the top.

Multiple raid spots open!

Hey! You there!

come on in!

Room for warriors, rogues, priests! Even a few mage spots.

Middle of the night, old guy pee bump!

To the top!

Warriors, rogues, mages, priests!

Raid times updated:

We are now raiding every Tuesday and Thursday 6:00 to 9:00PM EST.

Tons of hard bodied chads who hang out with the coolest dudes and wear the freshest threads are gonna be in this guild

Sweet, new raid times

Shadow Priest slot is open! Come enhance our Warlock team and melt faces in PvP. Shadow will always have their slot in raid!

I am in fact soft bodied and where old clothes though. >.>;