[H] [US] [Illidan] <A Decent Guild> 8/9H Looking for raiders for Tuesday and Thursday 9 p.m.-12 EST

Bump recruiting still for Fri/Sat!

Bump still recruiting feel free to apply or reach out Discord: Shammazing#6371 or Btag: Shammazing#11740

Bump still recruiting feel free to apply or reach out Discord: Shammazing#6371 or Btag: Shammazing#11740 !!! LETS GOO!!!

Bump recruiting for 10.1!

Still looking… come raid with us in season 2!

neon#1459 add me looking into the fri/sat team

Recruiting more for 10.1

Bumping… Need more for 10.1

Bumping still recruiting for both teams range dps mainly but all welcomed to apply

Bumping… Need more for 10.1****

I have 4 people. Rogue, Guardian Druid, Holy Pally/Resto Sham, DPS DH/Feral. Please add me BadgerFuzz#11483

Hey Let’s Push further faster we got this, oh Bump!

Bump 5/9H let’s slap more bosses next week, feel free to apply!

Bumping… Need more for 10.1****

8/9H on both teams few more recruits to round out roster and we’ll be slapping mythic!

Quick and Steady Progress each week, GM and Raid lead makes it easy if you can pay attention.

Bump could use a solid tank for weekend team now.

330 ilvl Mage 8/9H lf raiding guild. Tu/thurs team raid times would fit what I’m looking for.
Discord: Enigma#7548
Bent: Enigma#15154

Bump still looking 8/9 heroic

Bump recruiting dps mainly for weekend team.