[H][US][8/8 H:EP] <Hypertension> - Tichondrius LF Healers/DPS

Hypertension- Tichondrius is seeking talented individuals to push for success.

We’re looking to fill some raid positions with reliable players. We have an immediate need for 1 disc priest, and one other healer with a DPS OS, and a warrior DPS.

About Hypertension:

Hypertension is a newly formed guild that started around the end of BoD tier. We concentrate to provide a unique raiding atmosphere, one that is enjoyable yet professional, this means we will have fun and joke but when it comes to progression attempts we expect full attention on the raid leader and raid mechanics.

Our goals as a guild:

We are starting to push mythic as we’ve completed heroic now, and will be recruiting quality players and/or working with players that have potential to reach that goal.
We strive to balance having a good time while working together towards progression.

Raid Times:

Tuesday/Wednesday 8-11pm PST
Often times members of the guild will gather up for extra progression after scheduled raid times, nobody is expected to attend, but everyone is welcome.
During early progression, raid hours may be extended for a few pulls. No additional Nights are planned unless discussed prior to.

Current Roster:

Bigmoneycrab/Shootermans - Mistweaver/Beast Mastery
Kratos/Sirbubble/Achilleus - ProtWar/ProtPally
Astranim - Hpally
Zûgzûg/Thiccpandå/Gofasteatass - RestoSham/Prot, Fury/BrM
Seitentaisei - Beast Mastery
Bigaim - Beast Mastery
Itherodroin - Beast Mastery
Mhoku - Assassination
Exotic - Windwalker
Tello - Unholy
Taintedmeme - havoc
Rigondeaux - Havoc
Shadowweaver - Havoc
Spiritstuff - Elemental
Obium - Arcane
Masseroth/Cahyr - Prot, ret/Guardian, balance

> Currently Seeking

2 DPS, 2 Healers

Our application is very easy compared to other guilds, relax. Please, have some logs/parses to show or get some. This will save both you and and our recruiters valuable time.

Any questions? Please contact:

Discord: DatG#7107, H20wned#7887 | Battlenet: DatG#1378, h2owned#1460

Great group of people!
Come raid with us.

I would be interested in talking with you about raiding

Discord: Flintshot#6158

Ok so it was logged into the wrong hunter rip

That’s okay, the forum is still showing my hunter as being on my old server.

EDIT: Oh they finally fixed it.

Raid positions still available.

We’re still looking for a couple more able-minded bodies!

Come have some fun with us!

P.S we are always recruiting social players who just want to hang out!

Don’t know the fights, no problem! We are willing to work with people to learn fights.


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Come try us out for a couple raid nights, see if we’re the right fit for you!

come chilll with the homies and kill some bosses

@Mahrhi maybe our group would be a fit for you, heres our ad, my Btag is h2owned#1460 if you’re interested in our guild.

EDIT: the forums are slow to refresh my character, but the guild is hypertension, not menace.

This game gives me hypertension. I feel right at home here!

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Interested in a trial. I mained a DH in BOD and got AOTC shortly before the guild took a break. I have since switched to Boomkin but can provide logs from the DH. Discord is Scorpionz#6662

Wicked! I’ve added you on discord, my bnet tag is in the ad above, but also h2owned#1460. talk to you soon :slight_smile:

We still have a spots available, see contacts to talk to someone about joining. Come join the fun!

Looking to fill a few raid positions still.

When we’re not raiding - we do mythic keys, timewalking, pvp, guild bonding events… etc.

Thanks for posting on my thread earlier

I could only reliably make Wednesday and possibly weekend raid times if those are available, would that be an issue?

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If it’s not to much trouble our GMs/raid leaders are reachable via discord (also if bnet is easier btags are listed above as well).


Hey friends, still some positions to fill for our core raid. Come join a great group of people and have some fun.

Congratulations to the members of Hypertension on our AOTC kill last night!
It’s such a pleasure raiding with you all!

Come join us and get in on the good times in our future!