[H] [US] Area - 52: Returning player LFG for SL

waves Hoping to find a a new home for SL, havent played too much towards the end of the last expansion, but definitely looking forward to a fresh start once the new one releases. Only quit because guilds kept falling apart, and I don’t like hopping. Mainly play havoc DH, but recently took up a liking to a disc / shadow priest as well, so that is a potential for a new main going forward. Interested in raiding heroic and up, pushing M+, used to do some PVP as well. Bit rusty after break, so might need some guidance, but did heroic / mythic raids in the past and really enjoy the sense of community / commitment. Always happy to learn more about my class. Can raid any day except for monday / tuesday. Not switching servers if I can help it :frowning:

Hi Shiraku! We’re on Area 52 and might be a good fit for you, I’ll drop my link. Just hit me up if you’re interested :slight_smile:
