[H] <Unprotected Hex> 7/9M 9/9H 3 Teams pushing CE. LF Motivated & Dedicated raiders

Looking for active guild gamerz

lfm gamers!

raiders raidin

another bump…

lfm raiderzs!

lfm mythic gamers!!

lfm raiders and gamers

lfm ce capable players

lfm gamers! !

412 fury/arms war 3/M 2545io

come apply @ our discord.gg/unprotectedhex

lfm raiders who wanna game

lfm mythic gamers need mages…

lfm raiders

lfm mythic gamersz!

bump lfm gamerss

bump it – bop it – twist it

im intrested, have plenty of mythic experience since i started raiding in Nathria! are you guys still looking for more dps?