🛑 [H] <Unholy Trinity> Old school guild LFM - Wed/Thu 9.30EST

Pssh Colli you’re keeping everyone awake with your snoring! :sleeping:

Still looking :eyes:

Hi, post must be at least 10 characters.

Who are you people and why are you in my house.

I ask my kids the same question on a daily basis… have yet to get an answer. :wink:


UP (up and away…)

Raid with a bunch of middle age gamers!

what is your current progresison

We are 12/12N and 6/12H currently. We didn’t raid prior to 8.3 and had some catching up to do, gear wise.

Punch and pie!

Shout out to anyone wondering what the opposite of in is

Updated Needs.
Really could use another tank or two for M+'s with possible DPS off-spec for raids.

More dots more dots!

More tanks more tanksssssssssss!

Idk what you’re talking about, I just turned 21 *Cheers

Still looking for more friends! Come cuddle!

I’m a pickle and they let me in… nobody likes pickles

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I support all of this

Famous Dave’s Signature Spicy Pickle Chips from Costco though… :drooling_face:

To the top with you!