[H] <Unhinged> MC10/10 +1 BWL3/8 - Needs more nitwits for our raids!

Is there a min level req?
If not I’d be interested in joining, mainly for PVP and if you needed me to PVE content I wouldn’t be against it lol

Was gonna whisper someone, but looks like a majority of you are in Ony atm :smiley:

No minimum level requirement :slight_smile: I only caution that we aren’t really a leveling guild…we have a bunch of lower levels, but we don’t offer things like…power leveling services, or 24/7 dungeons runs. Best I can offer is if I have PMS and you are getting camped, someone is going to be camped until they rage log. Oh and of course, an active gchat full of wonderful characters :).

That’s completely ok!
I plan on leveling as fast as my schedule will allow me to, and I’m no stranger to forming my own groups for dungeons/group quests :stuck_out_tongue:

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Updated for Raiding Needs

We need a hunter. We have zero - and last two domo kills dropped the leaf, and we had to trash it.

Someone whispered into my ear that you are a pretty okay bunch of people. I’m interested… 60 Shaman, Resto. Not sure about the being able to make the raid times but probably can from time to time, and certainly interested in PVP, end game dungeons, etc as well as just trying to be helpful. This a good fit for me? Oh, and I’m a little unhinged if that is a requirement.

lol :slight_smile: My home is Kargath so that is when I’m the most…unhinged. We would love to have you!

Bumping this up :slight_smile:

Need moar locks :slight_smile:

Updated needs and progress. Really need 2 locks, 2 mages.

Open slots for 2 Mages 2 Locks 1-2 Resto shamans
Full on Tanks, spriest

We are clearing MC Tuesdays for now, and even bumping up the challenge by pulling core hound packs and Lucifron without warning :rofl: and …only losing a few peeps. Whatever, no forks given

Oh and Onyxia on reset, sometimes with 20 people because fork that too.

Bump this thing up!!