[H] <Unbound Devastation> 1/10M 9/10H 9 PM T/Th

We’ve been raiding together since WoTLK, many of us original, some of us newcomers. We are tight-knit, everyone knows each others name’s (or occasionally a nickname is bestowed upon you). Our main goal is to kill bosses with the most minimal grind possible. We run Mythic progress raids on Tues/Thurs at 7-10pm PST.

For raids, we expect you to show up, be on time, and be ready to raid. Playing your class to the maximum potential is a mandatory in our guild. Read fights and be prepared to discuss strategies on discord before and be ready to kill bosses.

Our Mythic Team is currently looking for:


We have a few spots available and are open to any DPS class/spec atm.


We’re are looking for 1 or 2 more healer(s) for our group. Preferably Disc Priest, but you must have an offspec DPS ready and will consider any class.

Recruitment Contacts: Popo#0435 (discord)

Or visit www.unbounddevastation.com to apply.

Bump /10char

233 Ilvl Prot pally 4/10 Heroic SOD looking for raid spot. Contact Muffdivine on Mal’Ganis for more info. will Xfer for the right fit

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